Example sentences of "[adj] enough to [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The thirty he had looked would seem old enough to a child of eleven .
2 Sure enough to the left of the backbone , somewhere about my nipple there was a large round blob .
3 This distinction is familiar enough to the jurist for whom the fairness and therefore the acceptability of a trial may be more a matter of the way in which the trial was conducted than whether or not the verdict reached was in some further sense the right one .
4 The Dutchmen of New Amsterdam were the first community of any substance outside the British Isles to be absorbed into England 's possession by conquest but they were close enough to the English in religion — the line of really intense division between groups in the seventeenth century — for there to be no prolonged resistance .
5 As soon as he was close enough to the head of the ladder to use it as a support , he stood up .
6 It was close enough to the cottage for her to take an early morning dip or a quick swim before dinner .
7 If only she and Michael had more time together , time for her feelings to rise close enough to the surface for her to be sure of what they were .
8 ‘ See , we 've found a few seeps of underground water that 's close enough to the surface for things to grow .
9 Today we were close enough to the front of the plane to have a newspaper in English , and not have to settle for one printed in a strange dialect of Latvian ( or whatever it is that they use for those that are always left at the end ) .
10 ‘ We needed it to dry off , but now ‘ t is dangerous if we 're near enough to a castle for the smoke to be noticed .
11 A period of day-hospital care may also be useful , if the patient 's home is near enough to the hospital for it to be practical .
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