Example sentences of "[adj] to get [adv prt] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever their riders might desire , those English mounts broke , reared , panicked , cannoned into one another to get out of the way , and doing so caused utter confusion and collapse amongst the enemy .
2 Nomes had to scramble over one another to get out of the way when one of the floorboards in the manager 's office was pulled up .
3 Before the company begins to move on its new goodies , it has Open Interface version 2.1 to get out of the door .
4 Léonie was delighted to get out of the house .
5 Mike had managed to smuggle her out of the hotel yesterday evening , but , as he had pointed out to her , it would be impossible to get out of the country at the moment without alerting the Press .
6 Many people are glad to get out of the towns with all the problems of vandalism .
7 I did n't really stop to look earlier — I was just so glad to get out of the weather . ’
8 Really I reckon there 's something wrong , convinced of it , oh it runs alright once it 's moving it 's just such an awkward driver that 's all I was glad to get out of the thing I was did knock the bloody er whatsit down , buses knock the er
9 It 's good to get out of the atmosphere of a Home for a time . ’
10 And it does me good to get out of the house .
11 It was Crane 's horse that had bolted but there was no doubt that if they were all to get out of the forest alive Crane would have to be mounted .
12 If there is any restriction on movement , however slight , of the spine , hips and lower limbs , the person may be unable to get out of the way of a dangerous moving object with sufficient speed to prevent mishap .
13 Add the position of his feet being wide apart and he is unable to get out of the way or play down the line .
14 If they do n't , one should dismiss the idea of cars unable to get out of the garage as sensational rubbish-mongering .
15 My eye fell on a page she had left on the kitchen table the other day and I had noted , before I could avert my eyes , a pretty scholarly history of my conversion to double-knotting , after an incident when I was unable to get out of the train at Greenwich one evening and found myself being carried on to Maze Hill , because someone was standing on the trailing lace of my shoe .
16 ‘ So is it safe to get out of the bag now ? ’
17 Er , and all in all , it was quite er it 's quite it was quite an experience , er er to have seen er this this er this police er er baton charge , er and er we were fortunate enough in in being able to get out of the way .
18 My Lord er in paragraph three fourteen of the statement of claim there is an important fact er which is a fact that is admitted by the defendant which is this that had the defendant on the plaintiff 's behalf taken the opportunity which was open to the plaintiff by virtue of national condition twenty two which should say and served a special notice to complete upon the vendors on about the eighteenth or the twenty second of October , the contract would in fact have been rescinded on the thirteenth or the nineteenth of November nineteen eighty five and the plaintiff would therefore have been able to get out of the contract and that , as I say , is admitted in the amended dissent .
19 It was a nice morning and it was good to be able to get out of the barracks and just run ; it became immediately apparent that there were some who were fitter than others , and the Corporals ran at the back encouraging the slow ones .
20 The townsfolk of Kirkbymoorside realised that while the snow lasted , the farm-wives would be unable to reach the market with their produce so Annie and Elizabeth were secure in the knowledge that whenever they were able to get out of the valley , their customers would be waiting .
21 An even more tragic fate befell many who , amid the crazed stampede , were able to get out of the fort .
22 Once we got to Heathrow airport I was able to get out of the car and stretch my legs as on travelling down to London I had fallen asleep with my knees on the floor and my head on the seat .
23 You 'll be able to get out of the car know darling , instead of climbing into the hedge wo n't you ? .
24 ‘ Most women moan about the problems they have trying to get out of the house to pursue their careers .
25 These patients can experience many kinds of problems when in a different environment such as increased stiffening of the back and limbs due to lack of exercise because they find it so difficult to get out of the hospital chair ; and incontinence for the same reason .
26 A partner may hate feeling dependent , but still find it difficult to get out of the house and mix with strangers .
27 Chalon picked his way nervously among the throng , tossing his head and splattering mud over the feet of more than one unwary pedestrian who was too slow to get out of the way .
28 The reason for using cold water is that hot water will make the blood congeal and make it harder to get out of the needle and syringe .
29 He was anxious to get out of the basement and back upstairs .
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