Example sentences of "[adj] will be [verb] [prep] chapter " in BNC.

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1 This will be seen in chapter 8 , particularly in relation to accessibility to cultural , educational , information and social services , the improvement of which can enhance the quality of life for rural residents .
2 Particular attention has recently been paid to the position of women in TNC factories ( Lim , 1985 ; Elson and Pearson , 1989 ) , and this will be examined in Chapter 4 .
3 This will be explained in Chapter 23 .
4 This will be explained in Chapter 13 which deals with the buyer 's remedies .
5 This will be described in Chapter 14 .
6 For the sake of convenience this will be left for Chapter 5 though it is essential to remember that the data collected through social surveys are almost exclusively obtained by means of this method .
7 Aspects of this will be considered in Chapter 17 .
8 This will be considered in Chapter 16 .
9 Other media , of course , may not require photographs at all , and more of this will be found in Chapter 4 .
10 We still await proper studies of these terms , but one kind of approach will be sketched in the next Chapter under the rubric of conventional implicature , another will be indicated in Chapter 6 in discussion of the conversational uses of well ( see Owen , 1981 ) , and a third may be found in Smith & Wilson ( 1979 : 180 ) , elaborated in Brockway ( 1981 ) .
11 In manufacturing we are drawing ever closer to completely automated production systems , and these will be examined in Chapter 41 .
12 These will be addressed in chapter 8 .
13 These will be considered in chapter 5 .
14 From time to time , too , sociologists and social psychologists have devised experiments to test their ideas , and these will be considered in chapter 3 , alongside the comparative method .
15 There were also important differences in the allocation of services to the different tiers but these will be considered in Chapter 4 .
16 How far the experiential approach offers something distinctive will be discussed in Chapter 6 .
17 The older one was that of the Evangelicals and Dissenters , of whom more will be written in chapter three .
18 The English grammar school — like the Public School ( of which more will be written in Chapter 6 ) and unlike the secondary modern or the comprehensive school — was the product of adaptation rather than invention .
19 The provisions of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 will be considered in Chapter 10 .
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