Example sentences of "[adj] be [vb pp] on the ground " in BNC.

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1 This was justified on the grounds that , since lifetime gifts were exempt from inheritance tax , there was no longer double capital taxation .
2 This was justified on the grounds that , having failed to get into grammar school , I would be educationally disadvantaged further by attending the local comprehensive .
3 This was rejected on the grounds that there was nowhere else to put the rescued artifacts , many of which were designed for the house .
4 This was rejected on the grounds that such sinister tunnels would become lurking places for thieves .
5 This has been followed in Martin v. O'Sullivan ( C.A. 1982 ) where the Social Security Act 1975 was challenged on the ground that Members of Parliament who enacted it were disqualified .
6 A few sections of rail were lying on the bottom , several more were scattered on the ground and one was propped against the end of the trailer as if whoever had been in the act of loading or unloading had abandoned it in a hurry .
7 And if the former is subtracted on the grounds that crimes against corporations are dissimilar to crimes for corporations , then just over 1 per cent of the listed material referred to corporate crime .
8 After four years of strife reconciliation of the PLO factions in Algiers in April 1987 was reflected on the ground , as the various groups found it easier to accept their differences and to agree on the importance of national unity .
9 Standards One and Two were taught on the ground floor — a large room divided by sliding screens .
10 Some wonder why the bank stuck with Mr Parretti , even though his attempt to take over a French cinema chain in June 1990 was blocked on the grounds that it would ‘ threaten public order ’ .
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