Example sentences of "pay off [art] " in BNC.

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1 It also emphasizes the need for ‘ money-spinning ’ enterprises if the smallholder is to rise above a very bare subsistence living and pay off a mortgage at the same time .
2 Meanwhile , those of you yet to take out a home-loan but thinking of doing so might be better off going for the repayment version where you pay off a little bit of the loan and interest as you go along .
3 The crunch came when my bank asked for my credit card back and demanded I pay off the overdraft at once .
4 ‘ If students are going to be landed with a debt at the end of three years , they are going to choose vocational courses so that they can be certain of getting a job when they graduate and so pay off the loan . ’
5 If a villager migrates to Bombay and makes a living as a hawker , he probably has to bribe a cop to stay in business and pay off the local mafia don .
6 Pay off the cab at the top of the street .
7 An attachment of earnings order requires a debtor 's employer to deduct monies direct from the debtor 's wage packet and pay off the debt over a period of months .
8 Doctors who are known to carry out abortions merely pay off the necessary authorities and are rarely persecuted .
9 Or , if you can get a lower rate of interest , you could re-mortgage , ie , take out a larger loan with a new lender and pay off the old mortgage .
10 What you actually do is you pay off the loan gradually over that peri period of twenty years , so you get from that point to that point and it 's , it 's sort of level to start with , you 're paying mainly interest off and not much capital , so when you get a statement from the building society , you still seem to owe virtually the same that you started with .
11 Oysters , gentlemen — I 'll provide the oysters , and it 'll be the oysters that pay off the overdraft . "
12 When you , when you sell a house you pay off the mortgage
13 Erm , what of course people like Mr Portillo do , is , sell other people 's houses , pay off the mortgage and throw them out on the street .
14 In addition we were going to have to buy the premises for £95,000 , and pay off the old debts .
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