Example sentences of "[adj] support for the [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The SDLP 's public support for the Tories in the 1987 General Election caused its former leader , Gerry Fitt to comment : ‘ I would not vote for the SDLP because it is not a socialist party …
2 Taro Nakayama , the Japanese Foreign Minister , visited Hong Kong on Nov. 3-4 , 1989 , when he offered moral support for the colony in the future and help on the Indo-Chinese refugee problem .
3 ‘ There is enormous support for the scheme in the town and when they considered the first application , the only resident input came from a small group of people who opposed it , ’ he said .
4 Applegarth , who was a radically minded Liberal , was at the centre of all the political and industrial issues of the 1860s : the vigorous support for the north in the American civil war ; the agitation for the repeal of the Master and Servant Acts ; the political aims of the Reform League ; and after union affairs his main concerns were the co-operative movement and a national system of education for working people .
5 The probable father-and-son relationship between Beornhaeth , who was associated with Ecgfrith in his defeat of the Picts in the early 670s , and Berht , who led the Northumbrian forces into Uí Néill territory in Ireland in 684 , even suggests Irish support for the Picts in their wars with the northern Angles .
6 Political anti-semitism attracted mass support for the BUF in a limited geographical area , but it engendered greater hostility within those same localities and had appalling consequences elsewhere .
7 In May 1843 Gould was given the opportunity to repay Sturt for his generosity towards him while he was in Australia when Sturt appealed for help in generating support for the project in England .
8 The cantons were split 16 " no " to seven " yes " , underlining the depth of the linguistic divide on this issue : all six majority French-speaking cantons voted " yes " , as did Basel , but all the other majority German-speaking cantons and half-cantons voted " no " ( including Zürich , notwithstanding the relatively greater support for the EEA in urban areas ) , as did the majority Italian-speaking Ticino .
9 After 1956 — the year in which the government had tried and failed to cut off Arab support for the FLN in the ill-fated Anglo-French Suez expedition — there had been a growing perception , both in Paris and among the general public , that these dilemmas were not likely to be resolved by short-lived coalition governments of the kind that the Fourth Republic produced .
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