Example sentences of "[adj] carry [adv] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When a famous campaign is changed , it is still possible to carry out research on advertising recall for several years afterwards and find a substantial , sometimes even dominant , proportion of what is recalled being the old campaign .
2 The Bill would make it illegal to carry on business with tax havens .
3 It is not illegal to carry out development without permission but the planning authority ( and only they ) can , if they so wish , take action to put the position back physically to what it was before the development took place .
4 People who hold these posts are deemed able to carry out research without supervision .
5 Belgian-born Dr Michel Pacque , who first carried out tests of ivermectin with workers in a rubber plantation in Liberia over several years , is now taking up an appointment as consultant for Sight Savers ( Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind ) in West Africa with the task of organizing regular supplies .
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