Example sentences of "[adj] live [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Just under half lived in the same household as the dementia sufferer ( 45 per cent ) ; most of the remainder lived within easy reach : 14 per cent in the same street or only a few minutes ' walk away , 20 per cent within two miles , ten per cent within five miles , and only 11 per cent further than five miles away ( although in Newham 36 per cent of the principal carers lived more than two miles away compared with only 12 per cent in Ipswich ) .
2 A national income survey also released in March showed that 29.2 per cent of the population in 1987-88 lived below the official poverty line ( consumption of some US$11 per month ) , as compared with 43.8 per cent a decade earlier .
3 One man has a house with twelve rooms : another lives in a cardboard box .
4 Each flat houses from four to ten students : applicants must , therefore , be prepared to live in a small group with individuals they have never met before , and to take a share of responsibility for the running of the flat and general household and financial matters .
5 She found it easier to live in a faint fog , at one remove from what most people called reality .
6 MR DAVID Mellor , the Home Office Minister of State , said yesterday that he was ‘ almost ashamed and embarrassed to live in the same society ’ as journalists working for tabloid newspapers .
7 I open some of the popular newspapers covering some people 's private lives or great national tragedies and I feel almost ashamed and embarrassed to live in the same society as people who can produce that sort of stuff . ’
8 The other day , a survey showed that more than half the adults in the country felt that they would n't be content to live with a terminal illness which made them dependent on others .
9 I am fortunate to live in a beautiful mill that spans one of the great chalk rivers of Hampshire , the Itchen .
10 Until now the treatment of sports injuries has been a specialist skill only available to top professionals and some people fortunate to live near a good clinic .
11 Sometimes when my mother told me how fortunate I was , how lucky to live in a nice house and be engaged to a good man , I felt like a fish in a gilded cage .
12 Not fit to live under the same roof . ’
13 ‘ The thing is , ’ she said , ‘ that he still thinks I 'm the person he used to know when we all lived in the old hole in the bank .
14 The Finer Report ( 1974 ) on one-parent families ) found that only 1 child in 18 in social classes I and II lived in a simple-parent family , while in class V the proportion was almost 1 in 7 .
15 They are not necessarily all living at the same level on the shore .
16 We 're all living in a vicious circle .
17 While Foula has a population of about forty people nowadays , Mykines has fewer than a score of permanent residents , all living in a tight group of picturesque turf-roofed cottages situated on the cliff-top above the landing-place .
18 They do not all live in the same place , but in any one place there may be more than one , and perhaps half a dozen , species .
19 It is a subject with which we are thoroughly familiar ; we see hundreds of them every day , and of course , we all live inside a human body .
20 It is a subject with which we are thoroughly familiar ; we see hundreds of them every day , and of course , we all live inside a human body .
21 Slogans such as ‘ art for the people ’ mask the cynicism of commercial and political manipulation , which would like to make believe that we all live in a homogeneous society of consumers .
22 Sadly , a few favourites are ignored altogether — finding some relevance in ‘ We all live in a Yellow Submarine ’ or ‘ I am the Walrus ' , it seems , was beyond even the Research Board .
23 Otherwise we , who after all live in the everyday world and not at the atomic level , would be unaware of the observation .
24 Those living outside a 50 mile radius £ 10 per year .
25 Examples of the finest artwork of a particular moment in time or place can give a false impression since they exclude reference to those living on a different level of existence .
26 In the rest of the region , Israel Radio 's coverage allows those living in the Arab world to hear about events that are censored by their own governments .
27 The dentist recording the dental condition of both the women from Anglesey and the control group from the non-fluoridated Gwynedd mainland was blind to women 's residential status ; those living in the fluoridated area had 30% fewer caries .
28 A widower can become something of a ‘ cause ’ to those living in the same street or block of flats , whereas a widow , although not shunned , may be to some extent avoided by all but the most caring individuals in the early days of her bereavement .
29 There is now overwhelming evidence that outcome for people with schizophrenia in Western industrialized countries is markedly inferior to that of those living in the Third World .
30 Those living within a 50 mile radius of the course £12 per year .
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