Example sentences of "[adj] live [prep] [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 There were certainly more people in the world who resembled the French , 88 per cent of whom in 1861 lived in the département of their birth — in the Lot département 97 per cent in the parish of their birth — than resembled more mobile and migratory populations .
2 However , it is foolish to live with the denial of death , as modern culture tends to do .
3 It is true that the British were more disposed to live with the reality of the new China than were the Americans , and to the annoyance of Washington they speedily recognized the new regime in Beijing .
4 Are there predictable circumstances in the 1980s where people are likely to live in the home of a relative ?
5 Most of these live in the province of Sichuan with others in Gansu and Shaanxi .
6 While the rich could flaunt their wealth the numerous urban poor lived in a state of penury .
7 Now a man may marry his stepmother or stepdaughter , or a woman her stepfather or stepson , provided that the younger person is aged at least 21 and has not at any time before reaching the age of 18 lived as a child of the family of the older person .
8 Although although there 's a lot of people who feel they 're all living in the lap of luxury if you 're Post Office or B T pensioners , they are n't and we have n't been able to get this surplus er in any way used for the benefit of those people and er and that 's where the ownership of the fund really and the surplus are tied in together .
9 Taken as a whole the Turneys formed a not unimportant family of landed peasants and yeomen all living in the neighbourhood of Leighton Buzzard .
10 Can we all live on the wealth of automatic factories and the earnings of an elite band of 60,000 software engineers ? .
11 The population does not , unfortunately , all live within a mile of Whitehall ; nor does it consist exclusively of Englishmen .
12 Opposition Members may wave their hands , but for those living under the regime of a loony left council , the follies of its ways can not be highlighted enough .
13 And yet his stories are powerful studies of those living on the edge of life ; of the bitterness and intangible hostility that are the real consequences of deprivation , misfortune and wasted lives .
14 Nevertheless , until the widespread construction of council houses between the two world wars , the ownership of cottages remained , as the historian Geoffrey Best has pointed out , ‘ a cardinal point in the grand scheme of subordination ’ — Those living in the shadow of the local squire found themselves , on the whole , better housed but less independent .
15 £12 for the year for those living within a radius of 50 miles of the training venue .
16 Land was often acquired for little or nothing ; in many places the citizens and those living within the jurisdiction of a town gave their services in the building of walls , the equivalent , it may be argued , of a tax intended to cover building expenses .
17 Many are happy to live in the village of Preston — not Lancashire , but Yorkshire .
18 ( I am not , however , suggesting that if you exercise it will be possible to live on a diet of eggs , butter and cream — moderation in all things ! )
19 ‘ Simon 's childhood had left him with a feeling of inadequacy and a strong envious streak , which meant he found it difficult to live with the idea of an associate being better than him .
20 ‘ Your comment about him finding it difficult to live with the idea of someone being better than him forced me into a complete rethink .
21 In one , for example , a casual labourer and his wife in their sixties lived with a woman of 79 , her son of 57 who was a street matchseller , and six younger tenants ; in another a woman of 68 was subletting to another woman of 65 , a crippled woman of sixty , and two others ; while in a third household a 71-year-old sandwich-man lived with an unrelated widow and widower of the same age and two younger tenants .
22 It is hardly surprising that , at this stage , Moscow assigned little theoretical importance and a low priority in practice to the fate of the revolution in far-flung Latin America , obliged to live within the shadow of the United States and its 1823 Monroe Doctrine .
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