Example sentences of "[adj] level [prep] [noun sg] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 If this expectation is correct and the average price level is P then , of course , the aggregate level of output will equal its natural level — that is why this line cuts the vertical line from y n at P .
2 For example , where a customer is experienced and familiar with transactions on the relevant market a lower level of disclosure may suffice .
3 The manager knows that the normal level of spending would leave the budget underspent and that this underspending will have to be forfeited with a possible consequent reduction in next year 's budget .
4 But , again , a low level of excitement may have several causes .
5 When I first visited the cliff 15 years ago , that level of congestion would have been unimaginable .
6 In effect , this level of service would have brought authorities close to self-sufficiency , an objective which most experts now agree is unrealistic in view of the very large numbers of titles now published ( 60,000 annually in the BNB alone , compared with the 24,000 of Bourdillon 's day ) , and the speed and efficiency of national interlending services in developed countries .
7 Inevitably this level of prescription will produce a huge demand for information .
8 This level of autonomy will result in a changed role for the school from one of administration of policies to one of management of local resources .
9 This level of pressure will strip paint , lift tiles and even cut thin metal so the option is not for widespread application .
10 These two attributes together would mean that a high level of stress would cause the individual to become overwhelmed .
11 However , as further proceeds are received from disposals already agreed , the high level of indebtedness will reduce .
12 In fact , even in this area where the textile trade was important , such a high level of unemployment would have been surprising , for cloth exports in the mid 1520s were substantially higher than earlier in the decade , when there had been a marked recession .
13 Finally , in section 3.4 , we describe some of the major social and economic costs that a high level of unemployment may have on a nation .
14 He conceded that high levels of pollution could have affected the dolphin 's defence mechanisms making them vulnerable to attack by an infectious agent .
15 High levels of tension can lead to rigid control ; some people when learning to relax report being afraid to go too deeply into the exercises for fear of losing control .
16 High levels of waste will make it difficult for a river to absorb the quantities involved , reducing its ability to recycle waste , with the result that aquatic life dies and human life is threatened with disease .
17 High levels of nitrate can cause ‘ blue baby syndrome ’ ( infantile methaemoglobinaemia ) , which is potentially fatal ( see below : Government Advice ) , but there had only been 3,000 cases worldwide since 1945 , and 14 in the UK since 1950 .
18 Davis further suggests that these different levels of management may concentrate on different budgetary functions as represented in the matrix in figure 4.4 .
19 As a guide in setting a monthly repayment level that suits you , the enclosed table gives examples of how long different levels of borrowing will take to repay .
20 Any such level of output will put the median voter on a higher indifference curve than would the reversion level .
21 Students who demonstrate appropriate levels of ability may transfer to the BA Hons Accounting ( Jordanstown ) , BA Hons Business Studies ( Jordanstown ) , BA Hons Applied Economics ( Jordanstown ) , BA Hons Banking and Finance ( Coleraine ) , or the part-time BA Hons Business Studies ( at both Jordanstown and Magee ) with exemptions .
22 It has to be clearly understood that whether LMS or GMS there is inevitably going to be a change in the existing relationships at all levels ; this will have implications for where differing and changed levels of power will lie .
23 A shallow level of analysis would involve the analysis of the input for its physical details , such as lines , angles , and brightness of physical stimuli , whereas a deep level might involve finding a word which is associated with the input word .
24 One is that the present level of unemployment must concern the health service ( and 1 have said nothing about other social problems ! ) .
25 Since there will always be some unemployment which can be attributed to microeconomic factors , the maximum feasible level of employment will fall short of L F .
26 All levels of government should privatise services to reduce the public sector 's share of GDP , which has crept over 50% .
27 If any Government were to bring in these pledges , they would either have to dishonour them and thereby deceive the public , or income tax payers at all levels of income would need to cough up and pay more to fund them .
28 The current chapter will discuss ways in which all levels of analysis can suggest alternative or additional candidate letters , words ( or perhaps phrases ) in order to supplement information from the pattern level .
29 Some kind of feedback process could be implemented whereby all levels of analysis can learn from the identification of the correct words as chosen by the user ( see figure 6.2 ) .
30 The staff are now not convinced that with the freedom now offered to managers to negotiate local pay bargain , that these historic low levels of pay will improve .
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