Example sentences of "[adj] [is] known [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This is known to the locals as ‘ Yon Bastard Climb ’ .
2 This is known by the cognoscenti as the ‘ Michael Howard benefit match ’ .
3 If not much is known about the properties of operators which could act on N and its children , then the plan may be misleading .
4 The study — ‘ Pesticides , Chemicals and Public Health ’ argues that although the levels are rarely fatal , little is known about the risks to health from long term exposure .
5 Even less is known about the strategies ( the choice of technology , product or market ) they followed when faced with the increasing loss of markets at home and abroad .
6 Less is known about the circumstances of his conversion than the relatively copious material suggests .
7 In general a more liberal attitude prevails ; more is known about the causes and nature of mental handicap , and how best to approach the problems of education and care .
8 Little is known of the inhabitants of the old manor house with its interesting architecture in the centre of the village , but the oddly named Hanging Grimston is within the parish , and here the Bouchier family lived in what must have been a grand castle with cottages nearby , and owned much land .
9 Unfortunately , after the Romans left in the 4th century , very little is known of the inhabitants of the area until the arrival of the Normans in the 11th century .
10 Little is known of the activities at Pitts Mill ; presumably it was run in conjunction with its neighbour .
11 Little is known about the attitudes of older people towards the services offered by the acute hospital sector .
12 Little is known about the effects of body fat distribution on reproductive function in women .
13 Because of the lack of data showing changes over time , very little is known about the effects of these changes on the life chances and financial circumstances of young people .
14 However , little is known about the effects that environmental change and its local perception have on fertility behaviour , and debates about population and environmental change have generally not absorbed recent research in the social demography of Africa .
15 Secondly , social scientists are only just beginning to develop procedures for evaluating the economic costs and benefits of innovative work design ; and , thirdly , little is known about the conditions under which these innovative job designs persist across time and diffuse across companies and countries .
16 At present , relatively little is known about the workings of industrial land markets in comparison with the more sophisticated understanding of labour and capital markets .
17 And yet surprisingly little is known about the factors which make for public acceptance .
18 Little is known about the causes of the problem , though a new study of receptors on blood platelets has suggested a possible mechanism , and could provide a way of predicting those women who will suffer postnatal depression .
19 Unfortunately , at the present time , little is known about the kinds of adult language which may be most helpful for children who experience different forms of language impairment .
20 Little is known about the side-effects of synthetic growth hormone , particularly in normal children .
21 Travel sickness is known to be the result of repetitive movements on the organ of balance in the inner-ear , but very little is known about the types of movements responsible and the types of people who suffer most .
22 The chapter indicates how , in spite of the fact that medical reports are a statutory requirement for children entering care , no systematic collation of information takes place , and little is known about the children 's physical health .
23 Little is known about the ways in which student teachers learn to teach , or about the ways in which preservice professional training might most appropriately be structured to facilitate that learning .
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