Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [adj] form [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was not until relatively modern times that the now prevailing terribly malevolent form of god worship had its origin , and became a deeply rooted human activity .
2 The appearance of MPG Note 3 in 1988 sought to strengthen this approach , pushing resolution of the inherent conflict between opencasting and the environment in favour of this most destructive form of development .
3 This rather authoritarian form of elitism was usually defended by an appeal to the ‘ sensitive ’ or ‘ discriminating ’ reader ; anyone who read closely and intelligently enough would be bound to agree with Leavis 's judgement .
4 This stresses , once more , the need to be extremely careful with the basic definitions used in this apparently simple form of analysis , and to ensure that one 's policy deductions are consistent with one 's definitions and assumptions .
5 Those offenders taking part in this more intense form of education were also expected to work , not towards a reduction in their sentence , but in order to support the education they were receiving .
6 Swags and tails , done by draping and folding , are another fairly elaborate form of heading and can look enormously impressive .
7 Some particularly disgusting form of health food , some heavily unbleached flour that could be rebleached .
8 I take it that some very primitive form of life arose spontaneously on earth from chance combinations of atoms .
9 Skin cancer , which is directly linked to sun exposure and damage , is now the UK 's second most common form of cancer .
10 What sense is there in seeing the international system as affecting all states in the same way , when these states practise such widely differing forms of life ?
11 So , it 's quite clear that the electric car is a technical technically feasible form of car , however if you ask why do you want an electric car there would could be different reasons .
12 The animal welfarist 's position , like the deep ecologist 's , is committed to permitting the sacrifice of some individuals for the greater good , and even the deep ecologists , notwithstanding their glorification of sport hunting ( I have in mind such legendary figures as Aldo Leopold , Ortega y Gasset and the poet Gary Snyder ) , might agree that more humane forms of hunting and trapping are preferable to more barbaric ones .
13 Similarly , patriarchal relations between men and women or racism are also a frequent feature of these supposedly alternative forms of gang life .
14 Here are several examples ( not all instances ) of each clearly definable form of design : arrangements of four pairs of rotated , interlaced squares ( from the Avenue : pI .
15 Derrida reverses this priority by making all apparently logocentric forms of discourse secondary and indeed illusory .
16 The only naturally efficient form of community care is the family — but that is quite another story .
17 As in the first phase of its activity , it sought to rely on a mix of massive public protest with occasional more direct forms of action .
18 But representative government was the only really legitimate form of government .
19 Given that Boswell does not record any singularly new form of felicity in Johnson 's speech , perhaps he was struck with the contrast between Johnson 's mode of speech and the Doric accents of Aberdeen .
20 Finally , a lack of work often excludes claimants from occupational pension schemes , which , together with owner-occupation , constitute one of the two most important forms of capital accumulation for the majority of the population .
21 Brian McGowan , chief executive of Williams Holdings , the acquisitive industrial conglomerate , says : ‘ Certain highly visible forms of manufacturing — shipbuilding , steel , automotive — have declined .
22 The ultimate criterion for the presence of pollution in law , in contrast with other more familiar forms of offence , is a test carried out according to the supposedly ‘ objective ’ precepts of natural scientific ( predominantly chemical ) analysis .
23 Normally , two slightly different forms of globin are present in each haemoglobin molecule , and are designated α and β globin .
24 We need firstly to recognise that insurance companies as a group are engaged in two quite distinct forms of business : long term and general .
25 Cizek says : " Child Art and Adult Art are two completely different forms of expression , and no adult can show a child how to draw because of this important difference . "
26 Eliot 's concern that his own urban society be well founded on a necessary myth was accentuated by the realization that this society was now annihilating other very different forms of civilization .
27 Smith concludes his critique by arguing that if this is true then other forms of expenditure — in particular , social welfare spending — which pumps money into people 's pockets , immediately raising the effective demand in the economy , may be a more effective stabilisation policy for capitalist economies trying to eradicate underconsumption .
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