Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [modal v] [adv] [be] said " in BNC.

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1 The English armies could hardly be said to have been outfought since they had not yet fought at all .
2 The most wanton of his foreign exploits could thus be said to have been conceived , misguidedly , as an act of self-defence .
3 As guardians of its wildlife , Hong Kong 's British tenants can not be said to have done very well , though in the last ten years there have been attempts by Hong Kong conservationists to save what is left .
4 Given the freedom which the parties enjoy in a common law system in the matter of gathering evidence , their resort to foreign procedures could not be said to interfere with English procedures or the control over those procedures which the English court would exercise .
5 Very few English towns can really be said to have ‘ developed ’ from villages .
6 So public employees can not be said to have less of an incentive to be efficient or a greater incentive to pursue non-pecuniary rewards .
7 These meetings could not be said to be unimportant because world Christianity ought to be seen to meet .
8 In fact , black holes can now be said to be really matters of science fact rather than science fiction .
9 It is the evaluators ' conclusion that the creation of such a framework may well be imminent , but through the period of the evaluation itself the existing arrangements can not be said to have been adequate .
10 Many routes could not be said to form a coherent network , other than as InterCity connections to whom they did not now belong , and a few ( surprisingly few ) were in the mould of the traditional country branch line .
11 Each of those ballets can also be said to have dimension and linear patterns which can be roughly described as follows : Symphonic Variations Lines are widely structured , flowing and straight rather than rounded , with no hard edges .
12 The development of computer-based public access systems to the holdings of one or more libraries , together with advances in online bibliographic searching , have increasingly led to the use of CAI programmes for user training , yet use of CAI programmes can hardly be said to be widespread .
13 For example , an Indian village producing Kashan-style rugs can not be said to be part of the Kashan weaving group ; nor can the Persian towns of Kashan and Arak be placed together , despite their relative proximity , because of the strong dissimilarities in their rugs .
14 If the explanation given is correct , however ( and no other suggests itself ) then there is no reason to prevent the prosecutor who has elected in favour of the substantive offence from seeking to amend so as to substitute the conspiracy count instead : a straight exchange of counts based on the same facts can not be said to be over-burdensome .
15 That is , what must be done in certain circumstances can not be said to be good without qualification and might involve evil and suffering .
16 In all , this incidence of reported problems can not be said to suggest much more than the occasional misunderstanding , difficulty or other problem which must mark a small proportion of virtually every type of consumer transaction .
17 But although earlier events can not be said to have caused the crisis , they did have some bearing on how it developed .
18 But although earlier events can not be said to have caused the crisis , they did have some bearing on how it developed .
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