Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] well [subord] physical [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Reynolds will require a great deal of psychological as well as physical preparation for surgery .
2 With hindsight it perhaps seems strange that one of the indisputably greatest figures in the whole of Western art devoted the better part of his life to sell-advancement , and to painting the King , his family , and their attendant dogs , dwarves and sycophants Certainly the irony of this , together with the fact that this inbred family of often considerable mental as well as physical fragility should have controlled the destiny of so vast an empire , is not lost on Gironella .
3 Employers have a statutory duty to provide a safe workplace and it 's only a matter of a judge 's interpretation to decide that that should include mental as well as physical health .
4 The time of youth in all creatures is a time for exercising and learning to use the mental as well as physical apparatus with which they have been born , of trying out their preprogrammed patterns .
5 ‘ Well , I enjoyed it , so thank you anyway , ’ she responded stoutly , clinging to the door-handle for emotional as well as physical support .
6 Mrs McNee said she had watched her children become disillusioned and despondent and feared for the long-term effects on their emotional as well as physical health .
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