Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] ensure that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They must act on this opportunity to ensure that young doctors working in the NHS receive the training that they need and deserve .
2 The new act clearly falls far short of the demand for freedom of information legislation with a presumption that all official information is in the public domain except where there are clearly defined reasons for restricting disclosure and where there is adequate monitoring to ensure that civil servants and politicians are committed to implementing the principles behind the legislation .
3 I read to him sentences from the Report such as : ‘ Schools have the clear responsibility to ensure that all children have full access to Standard English , given its role as an international language used throughout the world and essential for many purposes . ’
4 We have taken all reasonable and proper steps to ensure that proper arrangements have been made for all the holidays which are advertised in this brochure and for excursions as described above and that the suppliers of the various services which will be provided to you as part of the inclusive holiday are efficient , safe and reputable businesses , and that they comply with the local and national laws and regulations of the country in which they provide those services .
5 The specialist managerial expertise involved in running complex public utilities ensures that public enterprises are able to control the data upon which assessments are made .
6 I urge my hon. Friend to ensure that those feelings are translated into a more positive western attitude .
7 It is vital when comparing two sets of published figures to ensure that basic definitions and methods of collection and analysis are consistent .
8 ‘ The sale of one book to a public library ensures that many readers will take advantage of that authorship .
9 The discs are laid out chronologically for convenience , but the consistently high quality ensures that endless options for personal programming can be planned with total confidence [ IJ ]
10 This ordering ensures that standard phenomena are covered first , exceptions and non-grammatical structures later on .
11 Although the last thing we want is a return to rigid central control , the NHS does need some coordination to ensure that scarce resources are used to best advantage and not wasted by the unsupervised duplication of facilities .
12 Operating System Extensions for Unix provides the client-server network-enabling tools to ensure that all elements of the distributed application can communicate efficiently ; it also provides network data integrity .
13 One of the items available from the display was a simple measure to ensure that all spirits drunk at home are singles .
14 However , it is interesting to note that some wider forms of inter-group dependence can , paradoxically , act as a diversification mechanism to reduce organizational ambiguity , and may actually lessen the need for overall planning to ensure that specific interdependencies are always tightly managed .
15 Until the first new pay and conditions order is made under the new Act , the 1987 Act needs to be kept in being for a very short time for a very specific and limited purpose to ensure that all teachers continue to be covered by the existing pay and conditions order made under that Act .
16 Since the death of Stalin there seems to have been a conscious attempt to ensure that legal principles are adhered to and even the KGB appeared to make efforts to observe legality ( Hough and Fainsod , 1979 , pp. 278–84 ) .
17 It is as well to include the words in square brackets to ensure that subsequent amendments to the Act are taken into account , eg the Law of Property Act 1969 .
18 Finally , by postponing sexual maturity by the same token , neotenous trends in human evolution ensured that young males stayed as long as possible under the protection of the parental group before being ejected and having to begin to fend for themselves .
19 For the courts to have regard to Parliamentary material might necessitate changes in Parliamentary procedures to ensure that ministerial statements are sufficiently detailed to be taken into account .
20 In the early days of man 's evolution natural forces ensured that these individuals were weeded out of the human race and could not reproduce , but science has altered all that , made it possible to rear such frail specimens .
21 In return , national elites channel public funding and economic development to ensure that local notables have the resources to maintain their political role effectively .
22 Ferdinand gave high priority to the defence of his realm , and of Christendom itself , against the Turks , and he intervened directly in Croatian affairs to ensure that adequate preparations were made .
23 However , the business reality , which must be recognised here , is that the exchanges in the battle may be purely reflex actions : the seller will send an acknowledgment including its standard terms as a matter of course , generally without reading the terms on the buyer 's order ; indeed , in order to win the battle of forms it will generally be good practice to ensure that all orders are acknowledged in this way .
24 Even if a certain amount of the succeeding material unmistakeably evokes the spirits of Soltan 's immediate Soviet musical forbears , his endlessly resourceful and distinctive orchestration ensures that passing resemblances are never unduly pronounced .
25 A Will is a commonsense and legal way to ensure that any possessions you have are given to the people you wish to pass them on to .
26 Even more than in the earlier conflict , direct vetting of journalists ' copy and reliance on allied debriefings ensure that military priorities squeeze out alternative perspectives and agendas .
27 This involves setting targets for money supply into the future , and then using monetary policy to ensure that these targets are met .
28 The Third Level Group Diploma in Marketing is especially popular and full recognition by professional bodies ensures that successful candidates have better access to professional qualifications such as CIM and CAM .
29 The Institute 's mix of auditors and lay members on regulatory committees ensures that regulatory decisions are taken fairly in the public interest and due attention is given to the interests of the firm .
30 Some central control is required over medical education to ensure that rational decisions are being taken and that the quality of education is monitored .
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