Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] send [pers pn] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If a fond mum sends you back after a weekend at home with your favourite fruit cake , do you keep it in a tin under the bed and eat it secretly , or demolish it at one swoop by sharing it with others ?
2 One after another , men failed in their attempts to drive the nails , usually succeeding in bending them , so I was proud when Dad , using the skill gained over so many years at the anvil , gave his nail an almighty thump sending it through to the other side of the board .
3 She sensed that it might take but a tiny jolt to send him back into his fantasy world .
4 Black comedy show The Real McCoy sent him up with a character called Can't-stand-still-ski .
5 This Hoccleve rejects outright : his long sickness sent him out of his mind , not too much study .
6 Blind panic sent her off at a stumbling run .
7 Elijah heard a divine message sending him back to troubled Israel , with intuition as to definite things to do , one of which was to find a successor to carry on the prophetic ministry .
8 The District Military Council sent me over to the Area Military Commissariat as an adviser , but these young men do n't want an old man 's advice .
9 The pressure became too much as sponsors , fly-by-nights and average New Zealanders sent them off to the World Cup with the message that all New Zealand expected them to win .
10 But the new bloke sent it back to me and it went on to win six races , and I felt so sick for the lads .
11 The Irish team was lying second to Germany following Friday 's dressage but a fall on cross country by Karen Connelly to incur 60 penalties and a refusal by Sasha Harrison which cost them 20 penalties sent them out of the reckoning .
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