Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] at the [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 Those countries are co-ordinating their industrial and economic strategies at the regional level .
2 There is a renewal of interest in localities and the relationships between broad structural changes and social and economic change at the local level .
3 In the event it was only those six states in which agitation for closer political and economic integration had been strongest in the 1940s , with political support at the highest level , which entered into the discussions that led to the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community ( ECSC ) .
4 To produce highly trained people with scientific knowledge and technical expertise at the highest level , not just within the science base , but throughout the economy .
5 We have an Academic Advisory Group , chaired by Lord Lewis , which has given us access to professional expertise at the highest level .
6 The meeting concluded that " the well-being of children requires political action at the highest level " .
7 However , relatively little is understood about the links between economic and social change at the local level or the links between general processes at national level and specific local outcomes .
8 This is the outer area of the brain usually associated with the elaboration and co-ordination of sensory and motor function at the physical level and reflecting the content and structure of the more subtle sensory and motor indriyas within the mind of the creature .
9 Another useful study , which looks at the implications of demographic trends for a range of different activities at the national level , is Ermisch ( 1983 ) .
10 Effective implementation may depend upon co-operation not merely between the two ‘ levels ’ but also between different organizations at the same level ;
11 However , the literature so far described is concerned almost entirely with social work at the micro level : individuals , families and small groups , much of it using techniques that are of little relevance to community work , for example behaviour modification .
12 In fact the growing demand for immediate emancipation had captured organised antislavery at the national level by the spring of 1831 .
13 Network theorists are interested in questions like which individuals conform most closely to group norms , who innovates and who resists innovation , and how changing social conditions at the local level — rehousing or factory closures for example — affect the group 's linguistic habits .
14 All this criticism at the highest level .
15 The very least he must do is to swallow his pride and seek advice and help from fellow English managers at the highest level .
16 The College 's offer was simply to provide students to undertake work experience — but not necessarily on a direct replacement at the same level .
17 Philanthropic work , like workhouse visiting , inevitably raised the question of women 's representation on public bodies at the local level .
18 Trade associations : many industries have a central organization which may function fairly innocuously , handling public relations at the industry-wide level and organizing conventions , trade fairs , etc .
19 So simply by carrying on your premium payments at the same level , the DOUBLE PAYOUT PLAN will give you continuing protection for the rest of your life .
20 The general regulation of economic and social life at the national level , and relations with other nation states , require a complex apparatus of government and administration , parties with broadly formulated aims and policies , and competition between parties ; but there is also a need for more direct and immediate means of political action , which would allow the effective expression of particular grievances and interests , counter some of the consequences of centralization and bureaucratic administration and make possible a more continuous practical participation by large numbers of citizens in determining the quality of their lives .
21 One idea is that we pick up all sorts of information during our waking hours without being consciously aware that we are doing so ; the function of dreaming is to allow our brain to process all this information at the unconscious level .
22 They shared a common concern to explain the events that had changed the lives of themselves and their families , and came from an intellectual tradition that stressed causes and the analysis of social events at the macro level .
23 The opposite suggestion , that marine planation at the present level is active , has been made from observations of wide platforms truncating hard rocks and apparently related to present sea level .
24 More significant for Scandinavia was its retreat in 1950 back to limited and relatively non-controversial sectoral coordination at the regional level .
25 This " Creole-influenced " variety of LE shows occasional grammatical and phonological influences of Creole and has also undergone some restructuring at the interactional level in the direction of Creole .
26 It is also interesting as perhaps the key example of a special system designed to minimize political influence at the local level , since local authority involvement is only indirect and slight .
27 The hierarchy is arranged so that groups of strong and weak elements at the lowest level themselves form strong or weak elements at the next level up and so on throughout the hierarchy , somewhat in the manner of the hierarchical structure of syntax .
28 Further , he offered to provide Judge Ireland with irrefutable proof from his personal contacts at the highest level in London .
29 It is an even bigger dilemma at the ideology-setting level , which relates more to strategic movement .
30 Additional knowledge about how words may combine to form sentences , and about how sentences are put together to produce text will also be necessary to resolve remaining ambiguity at the lexical level .
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