Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [was/were] put [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 Bob Hoover 's North American P-51D Old Yeller was put up for action , but with a $1 million reserve Hoover gets to fly it for another year .
2 In later years some swings were put up for the school , but that was after my time .
3 This reasoning was put forward for two decades to support the idea that chloroquine resistance would not spread in Africa , where adults become immune .
4 The apocalyptic stock-taking was put aside for some future anniversary or crisis .
5 Another £100.000 was put down for the National Union of Journalists , despite its clear and well-known policy of not investing in newspapers because of the inevitable conflict of interest in its role as champion of higher wages for journalists .
6 In September 1943 , an additional requirement was put forward for 10 more identical trains , the LMS to provide four .
7 The privatization of industry in the Czech Lands began on Aug. 8 when 50 of the republic 's largest businesses were put up for sale on international markets .
8 The idea of providing proper station buildings was not forgotten , however , in 1988 , planning began in the hope of attracting grant aid and alternative designs were put forward for a new building .
9 Two-thirds of AMI Healthcare was put up for auction this week after the company 's Los Angeles parent changed hands .
10 In 1960 a major proposal was put forward for a British and Commonwealth programme by a consortium of Britain 's main aerospace and electronics companies — called the British Space Development Company ( BSDC ) .
11 More than 52 buildings were put forward for the award for the imaginative redesign of old buildings .
12 Nevertheless , a creditable show was put on for the public , which in true GWAD fashion , stood their ground despite what the elements threw at them .
13 Another ten shillings was put aside for food ; they rarely learnt to cook as landladies preferred to prepare the food the Girls had bought .
14 Fifteen minutes were put aside for this activity and over twenty-five suggestions were recorded , although some were overlapping .
15 The first attempt was put forward for consultation : A Framework for the School Curriculum .
16 This week 14 paintings were put up for auction in London so the gallery could clear its debts and provide grants for artists , particularly students , in the region .
17 Then , in autumn 1991 , proposals for the new qualifications were put out for consultation with a very wide range of organisations , including Scottish colleges , central institutions , universities , secondary schools , industry lead bodies , professional bodies , Scottish Enterprise , Highlands and Islands Enterprise , and Local Enterprise Companies .
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