Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] [verb] rise to " in BNC.

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1 This condition normally gives rise to severe swelling , known as oedema , in various parts of the body .
2 This approach also gave rise to a change in attitudes about the split between the academic and non-academic functions within the Colleges , which encouraged the Principals to make more flexible use of resources .
3 This idea immediately gave rise to the question : are shapes that are rotated and reflected the same or different ?
4 Such species thus give rise to wide and uniform seed shadows .
5 For the moment it is sufficient to note that while the managerialist picture of management discretion unbounded by market pressures is unquestionably a serious distortion , the more extreme claims made for the constraining power of these additional markets also give rise to considerable doubts .
6 These progenitors subsequently give rise to at least nine distinct differentiated cell types .
7 The rapid growth of private charity in these years also gave rise to institutions demonstrating a variety of approaches to the palliation of poverty .
8 These changes may last many hours , and thermal stimulation especially gives rise to a particularly complex and longlasting expression of the gene .
9 These inequalities inevitably give rise to resentment .
10 As mentioned earlier , the methods of abatement capable of achieving effective control are governed to some extent by the age of the plant , the older plants probably giving rise to most difficulties .
11 The desirability of ‘ tying up ’ a settlement in one parcel sometimes give rise to a problem for the parliamentary agent in drafting the legislation , the question being whether to put in a protective clause at the outset , or to omit it and negotiate a settlement of such a clause for insertion at a later stage .
12 In addition , early cleavage stage blastomeres disaggregated and cultured individually or in small groups frequently give rise to " false blastocysts " which appear to be composed of only TE ( 26 and references cited therein ) .
13 A series of small overlaps above give rise to technical and varied climbing , with the odd blindish move making for some entertaining sequences — something which caused a little consternation on my initial freezing encounter .
14 Most of these heteromorphs were derived from ‘ normal ’ ammonoids , but there is one famous example where an uncoiled form actually gave rise to a conventional-looking ammonoid by coiling up again !
15 Despite his wonderfully unattractive and humourless appearance , his exotic origins nonetheless gave rise to an extraordinary rumour .
16 The same incident also gave rise to complaints by a number of members of the public in respect of the conduct of several police officers who had attended it .
17 Various thoughts on a particular problem therefore gave rise to a variety of images , which might appear to contradict each other , but which either simply revealed the complexity of the problem or displayed several ways of stating the same answer .
18 The same occupation also gave rise to the popularly termed ‘ riveter 's ovaries ’ — another mysterious condition with no founding in medical science .
19 Chemical weathering frequently gives rise to minerals which are less dense than their precursors .
20 One can say ( he held ) that it is absolutely true that a certain characteristic always gives rise to the property of prima facie obligatoriness .
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