Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] wait for the " in BNC.

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1 It might not be in strain-on-your-meat-pies Trideocolor or go on all night like America 's bloody buggering 119 channels , but at least some nice bint like his old French teacher came on at ten-thirty and said good night as you drank your bloody buggering Ovaltine and waited for the shipping forecast .
2 The best way to explain Message Queue Interface is to compare it with a standard remote procedure call , where a client sends a request to another machine and waits for the response .
3 ‘ Sitting on an empty place and waiting for the price to rocket , more like . ’
4 I crumpled this ticket and waited for the next to be called .
5 It felt rather like laying herself in front of an approaching juggernaut and waiting for the inevitable annihilation to follow …
6 Stories were told of whole communities sitting down and wailing the old tune whilst waiting for the slave masters to arrive and incarcerate their bodies and souls .
7 I 'm not a heavy gambler , but I do enjoy a sizeable bet and waiting for the result .
8 One person , on being informed that he has a life-threatening illness , will sit back in sad acceptance and wait for the end to come .
9 An elderly woman does not want to take the risk , hastily glances at the sharp blades of the door , retreats back to behind the faded white line and waits for the next train .
10 We lined up , dispatching practice balls into the shimmering blue yonder with ill-disguised pride and waited for the Master to work his way along , one of us on video duty all the while .
11 Adam came up into a kneeling position and waited for the bus to start moving .
12 He lay on the narrow bed and waited for the basement gate to bang in the windswept night , until he remembered it was no longer there .
13 Indeed , it is said that he composed one aria while waiting for the rice to cook .
14 To illustrate , we will reconsider the last example and assume that the individual did not close his position after five days but waited for the last trading day which was the following day .
15 After this she would return to the far wall and wait for the papers to be put back into place , so she could repeat the game .
16 Many anglers arrive for a couple of days fishing and seem quite happy to bivvy up in one swim and wait for the zander to arrive .
17 Doris smoothed a hand over her rounded knee and waited for the next question .
18 For John Prescot today , not a discrete silence while waiting for the leader 's call , he was making it clear that he wanted a swap to one of the top economic jobs .
19 After that , I sit on our front step and wait for the ambulance .
20 examine that report and wait for the results of the erm public consultations .
21 Barton Lynch , sitting out the qualifying rounds and waiting for the main event , recalled the 1988 Billabong , which for the first time had been held at Pipeline .
22 Before the first series went out we got ourselves an established and admired distributor and waited for the programme sales cash to roll in .
23 What Robbins has , very cleverly , done is to drop a match into the murky kerosene of American politics and wait for the explosion .
24 The pioneer of bee research Karl von Frisch recalls ( and we have observed ) instances in which the trained foragers began to anticipate subsequent moves and to wait for the feeder at the presumptive new location .
25 later , though , he mentioned ‘ a lack of positive approach and waiting for the runs to come ’ .
26 But much of Operation Gemini is about surveilance , observing known criminals and waiting for the right time to move in and make arrests , of which there have been more than a hundred and twenty since the operation started four weeks ago .
27 Chesarynth leant back against the wall , holding her throbbing hand and waiting for the knives in her head to dissolve .
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