Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] themselves [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is the responsibility of each employee to acquaint themselves with the full details of these and any local arrangements .
2 The group issued an angry statement alleging that the authors are ‘ obsessive fans misrepresenting themselves as the authorised biographers of Nirvana ’ .
3 We would like to se the political parties commiting themselves to an overhaul of the sentencing process to make it more rational and civilised .
4 Many of the people are obliged to wear wet handkerchiefs to protect themselves from the strong fumes of sulphur . ’
5 ‘ There would need to be an awful lot of call-offs before the five players untried at this level found themselves on the field at the same time , though , ’ said the coach .
6 A great deal of very useful research can be carried out wholly from documentary sources of one kind or another , but often social researchers find themselves in a position where they want to investigate social behaviour on which there is very little published research or perhaps what research has been published is not relevant enough to their own particular areas of interest .
7 The way was thereby opened for English merchants to establish themselves in the island , and William Bolton came to Madeira as an agent for Robert Heysham of London , who had a brother in Barbados to whom Bolton shipped a large quantity of wine .
8 At other times cultural groups regard themselves in a superior relationship to other cultures .
9 But it is worth noting that though the problems this produces for validation of theory are still not resolved in the social sciences , some researchers comfort themselves with the argument that different theories may agree at least on common working definitions , while a significant body of methodological writers has learnt to love the thorny creature by arguing ( after Max Weber ) that the theory- or value-component is a crucial positive factor in social-science explanation .
10 This is necessarily caused by the fact that the intrinsic differences between the services provided in different organizations reflect themselves in the respective budgets .
11 Good luck to all those , and there are dozens , who this spring find themselves beyond the dressing-room doors .
12 Indeed , when the German Communists reconstituted themselves as a political party ( the DKP ) in October 1968 , the Bonn government saw no need to ban them , because orthodox Communists did not seem a threat .
13 Mangen and Castel relate an appalling tale of how the circumstances in which the French asylums found themselves in the Second World War prompted experiment with alternatives .
14 The idle flap of the hand again , and round the next corner was another tank , then a third , hull down in the long grass like old dogs sunning themselves on a lazy day .
15 Further attempts at fostering were not tried , and the residential workers saw themselves as the main people in Michael 's life .
16 Lomnitz has shown how squatters manipulate social networks to establish themselves in the city ( Lomnitz 1977 ) .
17 I am concerned about the position in which some people find themselves as a result of problems with the funds .
18 When the fitness craze first took hold , both in Britain and in the United States , some people threw themselves into an orgy of aerobics , weight training or jogging with the result that quite a large number of them suffered injuries of one sort or another .
19 Unlike their daughter , Meg could understand why , after retirement , they had used all their savings to buy the rectory and had in old age burdened themselves with a mortgage .
20 primitive people regarded themselves as the only humans .
21 I 'm beginning to realize why perfectly sane people pitch themselves at the mercy of the elements miles from the security of terra firma , has provided the perfect resort for our first events of the .
22 When people from this background find themselves in the middle of an industrial set-up , it is not easy for them to adjust their values or frames of reference , just as people from an industrial society , used to individual wages and jobs , would feel confused if suddenly thrust into a peasant society .
23 To all whom this epistle shall come , Greetings — Whereas we have been credibly informed by our well-beloved subject the right honourable Lord Clovelly , of Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk , and on behalf of our well-beloved subject Christopher Everard , Gentleman , that the said Christopher Everard hath lately discovered several Islands in the Hesperidean seas towards the continent of America , the one called Saint Thomas 's , alias Everhope ( though this be error ) , or in the native tongue Liamuiga , and another , as the savages of those parts name it , Oualie ; that we are further informed that these said Islands are possessed and inhabited only by the aforementioned savages and heathen people , and are not , nor at the time of the discovery were , in the possession or under the government of any Christian Prince , state or potentate , and thereupon the said Christopher Everard , being set forth and supplied on our shores for that purpose , made entry into the said Islands for and on behalf of our dear Father in heaven , and hath since with the consent and good liking of the natives made some beginning of a plantation and colony and likewise of an hopeful trade there , and hath caused divers of our subjects of this realm to remove themselves to the said Islands with purpose to proceed in so hopeful a work : KNOW THEREFORE that the said Lord Clovelly and Christopher Everard may be encouraged and the better enabled with the more ample maintenance and authority to effect the same , We do command the said Christopher Everard to be possessed of the said Islands and all our other loving subjects under him : And of our especial great and certain knowledge have given and granted unto the said Christopher Everard during our pleasure custody of the aforesaid Islands and of every creature , man , woman and child upon them together with full power and authority for us and in our name and as our Lieutenant to govern rule and order all .
24 The Scottish Jacobites withdrew themselves from the Scottish Convention which met on 14 March 1689 , and as a result the settlement north of the border was worked out predominantly by Whigs .
25 But some anurans defend themselves in a more active way .
26 Here these Cornish sappers dedicated themselves to the work they knew best , digging defensive trenches and building parapets as well as blowing up houses blocking the range of the gunnery .
27 One can easily understand the ferocity with which the more creative British filmmakers positioned themselves against the new development .
28 Even allowing Finnis his large claim that private property is a general requirement of justice , it must be evident that a remarkably wide range of possible determinations present themselves to the legislator .
29 And it will be an exclusivist world in which the rich countries insulate themselves from the pressure of migration , and the threat of terrorism .
30 Against her will her breasts swelled , hardened nipples forcing themselves against the cotton .
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