Example sentences of "scientists at [art] " in BNC.

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1 British scientists at a conference last week , organised by the Institute of Physical Sciences in Medicine and held at the Royal Marsden Hospital , London , described neural computers able to diagnose a host of medical conditions — from heart problems to eye defects — with up to 98 per cent accuracy .
2 It 's the result of years of work by scientists at a nuclear establishment which is branching out to stay financially viable .
3 The review will increase pressure on scientists at the ministry 's Pesticides Safety Divison who say they are too understaffed to handle the backlog on older , more hazardous chemicals .
4 In today 's issue of Nature , a team of scientists at the University of Bath and the Natural History Museum has taken the first step to explain why their shapes can be as diverse and striking as those of snowflakes .
5 Now scientists at the Government-supported Horticulture Research International research station at Efford , near Lymington , are trying to find efficient methods of purifying the waste water .
6 Scientists at the Medical Research Council ( MRC ) reported that a link might exist as long ago as 1968 .
7 In particular , though I noted that the farmers distinguished between different scientific sources , they credited scientists at the local Institute of Terrestrial Ecology at Merlewood with more openness about the scientific uncertainties .
8 Scientists at the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica , attached to the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine , first extracted the drug in 1972 .
9 Scientists at the Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute in Durgapur , India , have found that hyacinth containing 60–70 per cent moisture ferments quickly .
10 Scientists at the UKAEA have decided that it would be too expensive to reprocess these ‘ intermediate ’ wastes to make them safer before dumping .
11 But radiation from VDUs at very low frequencies may give cause for concern , say scientists at the Ginadian Centre for Occupational Health and safety .
12 Scientists at the EPA , who helped analyse samples of sediment from the Farallon Islands say the public has over-reacted to findings of radioactivity there that were 200 times background levels .
13 ANGER among scientists at the way Europe 's politicians have mishandled the £200 million Super-SARA nuclear safety project reached new heights this week .
14 Meanwhile , computer scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) were looking for ways to place their research into artificial intelligence at the service of people ( as distinct from the service of the United States Department of Defence ) .
15 Scientists at the Agricultural Research Experimental Station in Ismailia carried out six months of tests with the polymer .
16 Control of these newcomers is now the number one priority of both park service wardens and scientists at the Darwin station .
17 Scientists at the fire Research Station are developing a computer program that can model how smoke behaves — but , with the many variables involved , it will be a long job .
18 Scientists at the EPA are eager to see cytochrome p450 mon-oxygenase work on other aromatic compounds common to our polluted environment .
19 Scientists at the ARC 's institute for research on animal diseases , near Newbury , have been working on ways of reducing the risk of spreading diseases with slurry .
20 Scientists at the National Institute for Research in Dairying at the University of Reading have found that only part of the nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium in slurry is in a form that plants can immediately take up .
21 Scientists at the Rowett Research Institute , near Aberdeen and the North of Scotland College of Agriculture have been working on the idea for more than 15 years .
22 NEW EVIDENCE that increases fears about the consequences of a meltdown inside a nuclear power station after a major accident has been unearthed by nuclear scientists at the Institute for Transuranic Studies at Karlsruhe in West Germany .
23 British scientists at the UK Atomic Energy Authority 's Harwell laboratories are sceptical about all this .
24 Scientists at the Met Office are prepared to go along with the US plan .
25 This was pioneered by scientists at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the US specifically for detecting single atoms of one particular element .
26 Strong observational backing from scientists at the University of Arizona shows that a wave of gravitational energy sweeps through the gas clouds in the galaxy , with a mass at least one-thousand times that of our Sun .
27 Formaldehyde molecules ( consisting of four atoms : 2 of hydrogen , 1 of carbon , 1 of oxygen ) were also found by scientists at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in West Virginia .
28 Scientists at the Institute of Molecular Evolution at the University of Miami believe that the creation of life may have been quite rapid by evolutionary standards , simplicity quite quickly becoming complexity .
29 Because the nests are in such orderly rows , scientists at the Museum of Paleontology at Drumheller , Alberta , believe that the same species of dinosaur returned to the site to give birth each year for many hundreds of years .
30 Nitrous oxide , or laughing gas , appears to reduce the chances of conceiving by more than half , according to scientists at the National Institute of Dental Research in the United States .
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