Example sentences of "[verb] ourselves of the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This kind of argument reads well in Callinicos ' hands , but it is worth reminding ourselves of the unattractive reality to which it bears witness .
2 We seek to rid ourselves of the awful thought that we might have some responsibility for what has happened .
3 Then , we remind ourselves of the supreme example of Christ , who placed his trust in his father 's love and ascended the hill of Calvary for our redemption .
4 First of all , let us remind ourselves of the traditional picture of children drawn for us by some great philosophers of the past .
5 At this point we can usefully remind ourselves of the central problem with which urban sociology is engaged and the reasons why we are engaging in the problematic areas of theory discussed in this chapter and in Chapter 1 .
6 Although we do not need to reconsider all the issues relating to the corporatisation of local government during the 1970s , it is important to remind ourselves of the widespread adoption of policy and resources committees , consisting of the senior elected members ( with sub-committees specialising in land , finance , personnel and performance review ) .
7 It is useful to avail ourselves of the general habit of personifying the law and talking of what it requires , permits , claims , authorizes , etc .
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