Example sentences of "[verb] met [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 of anything he 'd met on the seven seas .
2 It was an astonishing thing for a wife to say about her husband to a woman she 'd met for the first time .
3 A wife I 'd met for the first time filled up
4 I was in a fever of vicarious excitement , looking at street plans of Florence and trying to remember the name of a boy I 'd met in the Boboli Gardens in 1961 , but friends and relations were wanting to know whether I had really vetted the family , whether I 'd like to hear a selection of au pair horror stories , and whether I 'd made good any gaps in my daughter 's domestic skills .
5 Aware that his intended , ‘ I , sir ? ’ would have met with the invariable bark , ‘ Yes , you , sir , ’ Thiercelin contented himself with looking staggered , which he was .
6 She halfexpected to find Griselda 's body , guessing that it might have met with the same fate as Melusina .
7 I assaulted this position from every angle , ranging from thoughtful analyses of the male mid-life crisis , its nature and origins , to sweeping ad absurdum dismissals in which I demonstrated that by the same token Trish and Brian were equally culpable , because if they 'd gone out for the day I would have stayed at home and we would never have met in the first place .
8 From the first day on , when they had met on the wide steps of the strange school , they had loved one another until the last , when they left this school , never to see one another again ; and they never knew that their friendship was love , their love passion .
9 We had met on the previous Wednesday , to discuss business matters .
10 So we had to go to the park where we had met under the protective shade of a friendly tree .
11 It was a generous and bubbling woman called Meg who lived in a caravan and whom Lee had met through the Labour Party and liked enormously .
12 They had met during the early months of the war at the home of Woodcock 's uncle , the Midland Bank manager Fred Elt who , though respectably employed , was something of a Bohemian in his fondness for mistresses and for paintings .
13 They had met at the close mouth as she was inserting her key into the heavy outer door .
14 This was the first time in the 47 years of its history that the UN had met at the top level .
15 On Aug. 11 President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt had met with the Libyan leadership .
16 The dangerous logic of events was leading to a predictable conclusion , though Sarah and Coleridge had met for the first time only nine days before and were of fundamentally different temperaments , she sharp-tongued , humorous and practical , he procrastinating and visionary .
17 But when their eyes had met across the packed ballroom , for a fleeting instant the crowd had ceased to exist .
18 He had raised his glass civilly enough in recognition of Vernon 's presence whenever their eyes had met across the floral displays , and he had always been very effusive if they chanced to meet in the queue for the cloakroom or on the pavement outside the State Restaurant , but he had held his distance in mixed company , had never introduced him , for instance , to Mrs Harcourt .
19 That exception was Mr Stratton and Mr Brown , who had met in the Armed Forces .
20 He was of Italian stock , as was the proprietor of a blues recording studio I had met in the Deep South of America .
21 Dozens of children who survived a rare blood disorder have met for the first time at a special party .
22 Not only is this shock experienced in fieldwork , while one learns the ways of a new culture , but it is experienced even more disconcertingly when one returns to one 's own culture … two different worlds have met in the same person .
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