Example sentences of "[verb] itself in the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In war , more common as the Dukes of Normandy used their English kingship to press their rather doubtful claims to the French throne , Sussex found itself in the front line , convenient both for intended invasions and retaliatory expeditions by licensed French pirates .
2 One does come across entrepreneurial academics , but there is still something slightly suspect in the academic world about making , as distinct from earning , money which manifests itself in the grey area of consultancy .
3 Perhaps the rage and common decency of the British people will vent itself in the near future where it has not in the past and finally get this Government out and replace it with a more caring one .
4 It ricocheted off a bulkhead , impossibly loud in the confined space , and buried itself in the fleshy part of Terhune 's thigh .
5 This amalgam of experience will embody itself in the final shape and fitting of a lifeboat that is designed to take the RNLI into the 21st century .
6 A kind of Hispanicism Triumphant proclaims itself in the high-key paintings Rafael Ferrer makes of the landscapes and locals of his native Puerto Rico .
7 It manifested itself in the small hours at such an advanced stage that no cure save amputation of the head could bring relief .
8 A final essential advantage for the party manifested itself in the general election campaign , when Attlee , for so long the ‘ unknown Opposition Leader ’ , came to notice as a sober and responsible figure apparently capable of assuming the reins of government .
9 This manifested itself in the falling returns in grain collections for provisioning the towns and the Red Army .
10 Five days after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 Turkey had unequivocally placed itself in the anti-Iraq camp with a series of economic sanctions ( including the blocking of the pipelines which were Iraq 's principal route for the export of oil ) which were to prove crucial , as Turkey was one of Iraq 's major trading partners [ see p. 37641 ] .
11 Occasionally the fungus can ensconce itself in the terminal portion of the urethra , and it may then give rise to symptoms similar to those found in non-specific urethritis .
12 The ambiguity of an elegy which laments the loss of constancy in relations between household and patron , and yet offers itself in the public market-place as a suit for favour , aptly characterizes the circumstances of Emilia Lanier 's life .
13 With the best will in the world a bassoon can not begin to express itself in the same terms as a viola da gamba and when two of the three melodic parts are conceived for strings a precious dimension is lost by substituting woodwind .
14 The conflict between the courts and trade unions showed itself in the second half of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth as an expression of class conflict .
15 While foot-based metre(s) do display promotion , they are typically " heavier " lines , and such heaviness shows itself in the high degree of demotion ( e.g. of lexical monosyllables — blind in three blind mice ) and subordination within the line .
16 Alexei loosed , and the arrow leapt from the bow and embedded itself in the wooden spike which rose from the dome of a house two streets away .
17 Fortunately , the German spirit that found expression in the Reformation , and with it gave rise to the first German music , has never yet fully lost itself in the dominant Alexandrianism .
18 To my personal embarrassment to the extent that I was a party to the majority of the decisions to which I have referred , I have to say that I think that this court again finds itself in the same position .
19 All this can manifest itself in the simple relief of getting back to civilization , supermarket queues and all .
20 Malnutrition need not manifest itself in the short term as severe disease .
21 In paranoid disorders however , it is the son 's passive relation to the father that threatens to unman him , and this expresses itself in the characteristic symptom of paranoia — delusions produced by the mechanism of projection .
22 Japan has always prided itself in the high quality of its water supply .
23 One spell had indeed leapt from the crackling pages and lodged itself in the dark recesses of his brain .
24 The main thesis of the existentialist approach is that in order to elucidate the full significance of ontological claims conveyed by existential propositions we ought to begin by focusing attention upon the one for whom the " problem of existence " presents itself in the first instance as a problem of his own existence .
25 It is pleasant to see the same easy charm , quiet confidence and obliging manner re-establish itself in the new generation of ownership .
26 The process repeats itself in the second test-tube and then a drop is removed and used to seed the third test-tube , and so on .
27 But since , against the odds , Alice keeps her cellar as ‘ the perfection of cleanliness ’ , the image is pleasing and does not impose itself in the same way on the reader 's imagination .
28 She began to recognise Finn 's idiosyncratic painter 's hand , showing itself in the blossoming horses , the queer , saucer-shaped faces of pig and owl , the speckled peacock glory of the birds , the strained , professional grimaces on the faces of the tumblers , the tight-lipped endeavour on the faces of the hammering men .
29 However , Tsar Nicholas II did everything to discredit itself in the public eyes instead of cooperating with his nation he withdrew further from realities .
30 Not until Aug. 7 did Turkey unequivocally place itself in the anti-Iraqi camp , with its decision ( coinciding with a similar decision by Saudi Arabia — see above ) to block the pipelines , to ban Iraqi and Kuwaiti trade ( except supplies of medicines and food ) and to freeze assets .
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