Example sentences of "[verb] nothing more [conj] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A TEAM of young archaeologists were disappointed when a dig in Darlington revealed nothing more than a Victorian cellar .
2 His response was predicated on the idea that he was dealing with an IRA insurrection when he was actually faced with a group of unarmed demonstrators who posed nothing more than a difficult public order problem .
3 Nowadays the mid-1950s rock craze seems to provoke nothing more than a nostalgic chuckle , and when the original Teds are remembered at all within the contemporary preoccupation with hooliganism it is as something quaint and remarkably innocent .
4 At first he wants nothing more than a quick lay with a pretty maid , then wants her to be his mistress , then is able to admit to himself that he loves her , but the idea of marriage across the social barrier is impossible for him .
5 Flying in the face of today 's ubiquitous electronickery , the turbocharger uses nothing more than a simple spring-loaded wastegate to regulate boost , which is never allowed to build too high in deference to the engine 's life expectancy .
6 Such futile efforts can only bring something close to contempt and suspicion among the millions of human beings who crave nothing more than a simple faith based on a credible ‘ god ’ .
7 One of the criticisms sometimes levelled at the whole group drama approach is that it always seems to involve lots of meetings and discussions , and that this disadvantages those children whose grasp of language is uncertain ; that this " type " of drama can rapidly become nothing more than a heated discussion involving only the teacher and the more articulate members of the class .
8 Shareholders get nothing more than a bald one-year profit forecast .
9 By contrast , we see Tradescant lying on his newly sheeted bed , washed and with beard neatly trimmed , wearing a superfine linen shroud of the highest quality , the top-knot having now become nothing more than a small tassel attached to the linen itself .
10 It would have been an apparently simple operation involving nothing more than a straight filming of the set .
11 Children love nothing more than a good story .
12 Many of you may be feeling the inset of charity fatigue as the London Marathon 1992 becomes nothing more than a passing memory .
13 She had sleepless nights and was sick every morning of that week — and she was sick , too , when she had nothing more than a simple monthly medal on her hands .
14 The car occupants did not move at first , a rising condensation choked the dying ventilation , the inside of the windscreen visibly clouded to reveal nothing more than a general silhouette of the two figures in the front seat deliberating their actions .
15 Heres , for example ( in , " the greedy clutches of your heir " ) , denotes something perhaps rather less cosy and familial than the English word " heir " ; in many contexts it suggests nothing more than a legal designate with a contractual , post-obituary option on some hapless benefactor 's goods and chattels.5 Pietas is a notoriously difficult word to render , " piety " being the last recourse of the weary translator ; it involves " integrity " , " probity " , " purity " , " fidelity " , " devotion " , " decency " — a complex of related moral attributes which Romans sought and recognised in the upright man .
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