Example sentences of "[verb] into [noun] the whole [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Because the truth was that this evidence of care and tenderness was harder to bear than any neglect , for it threw into question the whole basis of their lives together .
2 If the Foreign Office can not agree with MI6 as to who are Britain 's enemies , the effectiveness of MI6 is at risk of being submerged by political expediency , calling into question the whole point of having such an organisation in the first place .
3 Not the least of these problems is that raised by Poulantzas that the concentration upon the pluralistic influences within the state ( introducing the ‘ problematic of the subject ’ ) , calls into question the whole basis of a specifically Marxist analysis , and structuralist analysis may thus become indistinguishable from pluralist or elitist analysis .
4 Former Hambleton district councillor and Mayor of Northallerton , John Bacon , called into question the whole planning ethos and the way lay men decided whether schemes get the go-ahead .
5 Whilst standardised scales have the advantage of producing data in a form which simplifies the process of analysis and facilitates comparisons with other studies , they can not take into account the whole range of factors which may influence an elderly person 's mental state at any one time , or the way in which he or she answers questions .
6 The case created legal history and brought into question the whole attitude of the medical profession to the treatment and care of the newly born , severely handicapped .
7 Fumaroli is also a latter day Tocquevillian , using Alexis de Tocqueville 's critique of nineteenth-century American democracy to call into question the whole project of trying to democratise culture for the masses .
8 Yet even on the most charitable view of facts , one can hardly treat propositions like " Ruritania does not exist " as being on the same logical footing as any other synthetic true singular propositions without throwing into confusion the whole concept of existence .
9 Assessment based on Statements of Attainment will need to take into account the whole range of abilities to be found in any Statement of Attainment and the context — task and type of historical content — in which attainment of these abilities is being shown .
10 According to pharmacologist Dr Joe Collier , editor of The Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin , the case brings into question the whole process of drug licensing in Britain .
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