Example sentences of "[verb] its support for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly they all function with the agreement of their management committees and funders , and within NACAB membership conditions , In fact NACAB has democratically voted its support for a broadening of roles , by reiterating in the new membership regulations the responsibility of the management committee for ensuring that bureau workers are trained in social policy work , and that they see it as a natural complement to bureau work when dealing with individual clients .
2 The Development Office set about the business of fundraising and , in November , we were delighted to receive news that The Robertson Trust wished to increase its support for the extension , leaving the University with a fraction of the bill to pay .
3 The Congress , in giving a high priority to agreements with Arab countries , affirmed its support for the consolidation of the Arab Maghreb Union [ see pp. 36474 ; 37200-01 ] and for the Palestinian intifada .
4 On April 8 the South African Communist Party ( SACP ) announced its support for the ultimatum .
5 On Jan. 9 , 1990 , the US administration announced its support for the restoration of World Bank loans to China which met " basic human needs " ; the International Herald Tribune reported on Jan. 13 that this covered about $2,000 million of the $7,000 million sought by the World Bank .
6 The PNC reiterated its support for the peace plan it had approved in 1988 [ see p. 36438 ] , which was based on UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 , and the guaranteeing of the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people .
7 Regarding environmental issues , the Group of Seven in the final declaration ( i ) committed itself to undertake " common efforts to limit emissions of greenhouse gases " ; ( ii ) reiterated its support for the negotiation of a " framework convention on climate change " under the auspices of the UN ; ( iii ) committed itself to negotiating a " global forest convention " in order to curb deforestation and protect biological diversity ; and ( iv ) agreed to co-operate with Brazil on a programme to protect the tropical rain forests in that country .
8 Only by refusing all compromise and inviting martyrdom could the NCF hope to sabotage the workings of the Military Service Act and shock the public into reconsidering its support for the war .
9 Soviet and Vietnamese officials could not , however , simply replace the ZOPFAN proposal with one of their own since the Third World confirmed its support for a zone of peace , freedom and neutrality at the Delhi and Harare Non-Aligned Summits in 1983 and 1986 .
10 The Security Council also confirmed its support for the role played by Pérez de Cuéllar , explicitly requesting him " to assist the two communities by making suggestions to facilitate the discussions " , and calling on both communities to co-operate with him " on an equal footing " .
11 On the outbreak of war one week later , the Communist Party hesitated and then reversed its support for the war into an appeal for a " people 's peace " .
12 After the election the new government in November 1990 again expressed its support for the ban and confirmed that it remained in place .
13 President Askar Akayev of Kirghizia condemned the " anti-constitutional coup " and Yeltsin 's decrees were repeatedly broadcast , but the Kirghiz CP expressed its support for the SCSE .
14 There is no question that LWT can afford to , and wants to , continue its support for The South Bank Show .
15 The government would end its support for the programme , amounting to some £13 million annually , in March 1993 because a " fast-breeder reactor was unlikely to become commercially viable until 2030 at the very earliest " , he told the House of Commons .
16 Having pledged its support for the environment and the poor , there is mounting pressure for it to institutionalize some safeguards .
17 A Press Trust of India ( PTI ) report on Feb. 21 claimed that Congress ( I ) had threatened to withdraw its support for the government unless the five ministers were removed .
18 Yesterday 's board meeting issued a statement which said : ‘ The board of MGN has reaffirmed its support for the business policies , previously adopted unanimously by the board , for the future of the group . ’
19 In return , the Soviet Union pledges its support for the sanctity of Iraq 's own borders , promises to veto any attempt to impose penalties on Iraq , including any trial of Mr Hussein himself , and commits itself to helping to arrange a subsequent international discussion of regional issues .
20 CAMRA restates its support for the principle of the tied house .
21 Representatives of Conservative Central Office helped Heseltine 's local constituency association to draft a public reply to his open letter declaring its support for the leadership .
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