Example sentences of "[verb] its share [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And Turkey has its share of the modern virus .
2 For instance , how valid are the company 's assumptions about : customer sensitivity to price changes ( price elasticity of demand ) ; the effectiveness of its advertising in stimulating customer demand , and in maintaining its share of the total market ; the relationship of per capita real income to demand for its products ( for instance , people with increasing incomes tend to eat a wider variety of foodstuffs than hitherto , yet their per capita expenditure on food tends to decline as a proportion of their total personal expenditure ) .
3 Although Burda talks of maintaining its share of the upper end of the periodicals market this has been interpreted as a delaying tactic , to allow the magazine to bow out gracefully .
4 The meetings of the new shareholders of History plc may well be stormy ; some indeed may wish to wind up the company or favour a merger with other subject areas to preserve its share of a declining pupil market .
5 A 5 p.c. reduction in gross margins on lower-margin desk-top computer products and the weakness in the market were blamed for last year 's downturn but ICL says its share of the British computer market rose by one point to 19 p.c .
6 BP is to spend $340 million in developing its share of the first phase of the Mars oil and gas field in the Gulf of Mexico .
7 The deal will lift its share of the Spanish soft drinks market from 8 to 10 per cent and of the Portuguese market from 3 to 8 per cent .
8 Rushing belatedly to launch a Windows edition of 1-2-3 , the firm released a faulty version of the program and the firm has seen its share of the lucrative spreadsheet business slip to 48% .
9 Like any reign , Edward IV 's had produced its share of the disgruntled and disenchanted hoping for better times .
10 Like any reign , Edward IV 's had produced its share of the disgruntled and disenchanted hoping for better times .
11 In essence each region or district gets its share of the total amount of funds available on the basis of the size of the population served , weighted to take account of the use different sections of that population can be expected to make of the service .
12 Ukrainian Prime Minister Vitold Fokin said on Jan. 29 that Ukraine would pay its share of the Soviet Union 's foreign debt ( 16.37 per cent ) independently .
13 Liber was already a major schoolbook publisher and its acquisition of Almqvist & Wiksell Läromedel as part of the Esselte deal took its share of the Swedish textbook market to nearly 65% .
14 With the recent purchase of the lighting interests of Britain 's Thorn EMI , it has increased its share of the European market tenfold , from 2% to 20% .
15 The Angela , Jade and Chartley patterns proved to be amongst the most popular choices , and early signs indicate that the Group has increased its share of the lucrative bridal market by achieving more and more registrations for its tableware designs .
16 The north-east of England is battling to overcome its share of the social problems that beset the UK .
17 Now Informix is pushing to get its share of the PC-local area network market with the launch of its Desktop Strategy — a set of ‘ complementary integration products ’ .
18 The NDP defeated the incumbent Liberal administration , increasing its share of the 130 seats in the provincial legislature from 19 to 74 .
19 Also VDEW ( Vereinigung Deutscher Elektrizitatswerke ) , the association of German utilities , points out that electricity is gradually increasing its share of the industrial market and total consumption is growing more quickly than energy consumption .
20 The South-East was particularly vibrant , increasing its share of the national population by 2 percentage points between 1911 and 1951 .
21 Manufacturing industry was expected to grow by 12.9 per cent in 1990 , increasing its share in the industrial gross domestic product ( GDP ) from 56.7 per cent to 58.6 per cent .
22 But behind the bland frontages are the small estates such as Mill Farm Close and Hazeldene Drive where Pinner hides its share of the dispossessed and the fallen : some making the most of the little they have , others burdened by the weight of broken families , unemployment , problems with drink and drugs , and plain old-fashioned poverty .
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