Example sentences of "[verb] been [vb pp] [prep] a further " in BNC.

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1 Since last Sunday , Dr Woodward has been appointed to a further post : scapegoat .
2 The allocation for London in the current financial year 1991-92 has been cut by a further 8 per cent .
3 The temporary ‘ window of opportunity ’ which has made gifts of works of art and other property to US museums fully tax deductible since January 1991 , has been extended for a further eighteen months from July .
4 I am very pleased to announce that , thanks to the generosity of the Wolfson Foundation and family charitable trust , the museums and galleries improvement fund has been extended for a further two years to 1995-96 .
5 A SUCCESSFUL after-care scheme run for elderly people at Middlesbrough General Hospital has been extended for a further year , it was announced last night .
6 Sir Hugh added that the Dragon offer has been extended for a further 14 days .
7 That achievement has been rewarded by a further undisclosed but substantial injection of capital by Courtaulds to strengthen its position .
8 The fact that old people would lose out with QALY theory has been given as a further example of injustice .
9 has been re-appointed for a further year as part-time member of AEA Board .
10 The creation of a group of special civil servants , including individuals recruited from outside the public service for their expertise or political connections , has been seen as a further desire to strengthen strategic thinking in government .
11 The ban on commercial whaling has been upheld for a further year — prompting threats from Iceland and Norway to leave the International Whaling Commission .
12 A prisoner who threw boiling water over a fellow inmate has been jailed for a further three and a half years .
13 Relaxation or withdrawal of treatment before mid-childhood has been associated with a further decline in intellectual ability .
14 Whether or not a reform of this kind will lead , as Sir Keith Joseph maintained , to a general raising of standards of achievement , it has been interpreted as a further encroachment on the part of central government into what is taught and learned in schools .
15 Julian Farrand , the insurance ombudsman , has been reappointed for a further two-year term from 1 January 1993 .
16 Many a career has been cemented for a further twelvemonth over well-done rump steaks and bottles of Bulgarian wine .
17 A state of emergency in the Dnestr Republic had been extended for a further two months .
18 The package , which applied to the current fiscal year ( ending in March 1993 ) , was finally passed on Dec. 10 , after the special session of the Diet had been extended for a further two days .
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