Example sentences of "[verb] in a [adv] short time " in BNC.

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1 Because the recommendations in our Report have been prepared in a relatively short time , some changes will almost certainly prove necessary in the light of experience .
2 Think , by way of comparison , of the change that man has wrought in a much shorter time by genetic selection of dogs .
3 ‘ We certainly surprised a lot of people and I think we may even have surprised ourselves by the progress we had made in a relatively short time . ’
4 ‘ Basically , someone has to take a stand now otherwise all the single-teacher schools in the Borders could go in a very short time , ’ declared the association chairman , Annmarie Crowe , of St Abbs , yesterday .
5 It proved to be a surprisingly accurate account of what in the event did happen , and is outlined here to illustrate the way in which , in one corner of Oxfordshire , changes which had been argued over for a decade could be effected in a relatively short time .
6 From careful work on the snail faunas of the chalk sludge from one of these ( the Devil 's Kneading Trough in Kent ) Dr Michael Kerney showed that the erosion must have happened in a very short time indeed .
7 Mentally handicapped children , especially those with severe handicaps , need to be taught social skills which may be naturally acquired in a comparatively short time by children of higher intelligence .
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