Example sentences of "[verb] a turn for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , the weather 's definitely taking a turn for the better .
2 Thankfully , ‘ Dirty ’ , the Sonics ' recent Geffen album , entered the UK Top Ten during the first week of release and , even if it has a long way to go to equal the sales of ‘ Nevermind ’ , things could be taking a turn for the better .
3 Gradually his motivations ( like his methods ) took a turn for the worse , and the idealistic young politician turned into a power-crazed monster .
4 But the weather took a turn for the worse and Lawford suggested that maybe they ought to wait until morning .
5 The weather took a turn for the worse and we found ourselves driving a very grey , bleak day .
6 It took a turn for the worse with the reduction in numbers of personnel here at site and was taken from us suddenly in March when the outcome of a company-wide vote [ on what should have been agreed locally ] was announced .
7 In January 1859 , however , the cause of press reform took a turn for the worse when the tsar appointed a Committee on Press Affairs which smacked of the committee of 1848 .
8 Barry Hills ' luck took a turn for the better at Goodwood and he 's hoping the same applies at York .
9 In 1799 , however , things took a turn for the better , for a number of prizes captured from the enemy and retained with the fleet created an acute shortage of officers to command them .
10 His fortune took a turn for the better in 1968 , however , when he teamed up with Tyrell again who had entered the world of Formula One with the Matra MS10 .
11 Last season definitely took a turn for the better when Kerslake came , and Kelly has made this season 's success in no small part .
12 He launched his Wear Borders Knitwear campaign in Edinburgh and promised to wear sweaters until the industry took a turn for the better .
13 Then when it was realized that things had taken a turn for the worse and somebody was going to get killed the vicar stepped in and bought them all ice-creams .
14 Anglo-French relations has taken a turn for the worse and Queen Victoria 's enthusiasm for the project evaporated .
15 I mean he 's not taken a turn for the worse or anything ? ’
16 The playing fortunes of David Campese , on the other hand , seem to have taken a turn for the worse .
17 In fact , he said , since the treaty was negotiated , the outlook for European economies had taken a turn for the worse and national problems now loomed large on the domestic agenda , causing people 's perceptions about the treaty to change .
18 He could have continued placidly with the life he had chosen , and would have excelled ; but telegrams of a peremptory nature , saying his mother 's illness had taken a turn for the worse and he must come , kept arriving from Colonel Carteret , and Paul had to leave his work , abandon lectures , and make the weary journey to London time and again , only to find Sophia weak but resigned , and reproachful for his having come at all .
19 This time she had been sent for urgently because Nigel had taken a turn for the worse — in fact , had nearly died after his peritonitis operation .
20 She seemed to have taken a turn for the worse , her eyes had gone dull and slitty again with a third kind of lid coming half across .
21 But this morning all that had been forgotten because the budgerigar had taken a turn for the worse .
22 Since Lemmy 's move to LA , Motorhead 's fortunes seem to have taken a turn for the better .
23 On a range of third-world issues their policies have taken a turn for the better and are broadly the same as those of Labour — support for the Palestinians , dialogue with the ANC , endorsement of the ‘ safe haven ’ for the Kurds .
24 Life had taken a turn for the better .
25 He kept saying how their fortunes had taken a turn for the better from the moment Alice began playing with the group .
26 ‘ Moreover , the immediate situation appeared to take a turn for the better ’ .
27 Whilst the latest CBI survey reports a turn for the better in future business confidence amongst UK industry and commerce , this merely indicates that the rate at which businesses are failing has slowed .
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