Example sentences of "[verb] a steady [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Military vehicles were no rarity in the streets , while press and television maintained a steady flow of information on how things were going on the different fronts .
2 Because they are more slowly metabolised , unrefined foods supply a steady stream of energy throughout the day .
3 As it is , run by successive governments who ca n't seem to help , Jamaica needs a steady trickle of tourist dollars .
4 3 MEMBERSHIP URGENT PLEASE encourage all new class members to join this term and any old members who have omitted to rejoin this year ; numbers are very important as we must show a steady growth in membership in order to keep our commitment in the Plan .
5 HOWEVER MUCH THE hotel maid sprinkled her lemon scouring powder , the salle de bains ( so designated by a chipped blue-and-white oval enamel plaque ) still smelled of stagnant drains , as if it functioned as an extension of the narrow street outside , where a section of the gutter exuded a steady reek of staleness , sweetish-sour , and not entirely unpleasant to Miranda .
6 All four books reveal a steady concern with imitation and interpretation , and to read them together is to be clearer about what it is that the writer intends us to think that he thinks about things .
7 And we receive a steady income from interest on Third World debts .
8 It supports the publicity for important activities and launches and provides the day-to-day contact which is so essential in ensuring that the organisation and its activities , services and products receive a steady stream of coverage throughout the year .
9 And so comes the baleful conclusion : that Vietnam , a war that split America apart on class lines , continues to be a national sore , causing a steady throb of pain .
10 From the dock road came a steady rumble of traffic and the heartbeat of machinery as the sugar-refinery pumped in the fiery darkness .
11 As a practising canine behaviourist , I have seen a steady increase in behaviour problems relating to these two factors : geriatric anxiety and problems with the second dog .
12 Residents say that the farm and shop , open seven days a week , attract a steady flow of traffic which increases greatly in the summer fruit season .
13 If you are studying the bean aphid ( blackfly ) , you will need a packet of broad bean seeds and some seed trays or large flowerpots for growing a steady supply of food plants .
14 The second stage is the much more active one of going out and securing a steady stream of coverage for the company and its products or services .
15 Now with the introduction of a new continental landbridge fare Sealink anticipate a steady growth in freight carryings during 1991 .
16 We 've had a steady flow of traffic away from Oxford City centre , indeed through Banbury and out from Aylesbury on the A41 , the A413 .
17 They had witnessed a steady growth in circulation and were well satisfied with their achievements , even hopeful that things would improve .
18 If the inflow falls short of mortgage lending plans a generous cushion of liquid assets can be run down in order to preserve a steady outflow of mortgage lending .
19 We were seeing a steady growth in fee income of around 15% in the Newport office , and when we made the decision to move , there was n't a single indicator that we might see a downturn .
20 AT A TIME when many private railways are suffering stagnant growth or even a decline , the Great Central Railway is enjoying a steady rise in income from the second year running .
21 This approach led to a steady decline in the number with no stated option ( fig 1 ) and produced a steady stream of information about infants on the lists : requests to test , occasional refusals , and corrections of erroneous sex assignment on the sample .
22 In the context of this dramatic eclipse of northern Anglian military might , Penda experienced a steady increase in power .
23 Now the moth-balled site is to be revived with extra mirrors — or heliostats , as solar researchers call them — and an energy cycle that will heat molten nitrate salt to 565° C and store it to generate a steady flow of stream for the existing turbo-generators .
24 Our polyethylene licensing business continues to be successful in marketing BP Chemicals ’ gas phase technology , so providing a steady income from royalty payments .
25 Arnulf 's last years displayed a steady decline of influence .
26 There are several reasons why an overflow pipe may be dripping or giving a steady stream of water .
27 Once I know how fast my ‘ feeder is emptying , or have made it empty at the pace I require , I cast very frequently for the first twenty minutes or so — as fast as the emptying of the ‘ feeder will allow — and then slow down only just enough to keep a steady trickle of feed through the swim .
28 By this time Irene was emitting a steady gurgle of contentment , when she was n't laughing her head off .
29 Hash is abundant ; I keep a steady supply of Moroccan in a Japanese basket on the mantelpiece .
30 On the whole , however , this period saw a steady expansion in support for science , and the emergence of the modern system of scientific education in the English-speaking world .
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