Example sentences of "[verb] at a [adj] level of " in BNC.

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1 The result is that tasks such as redistribution , which in the fiscal federalism literature are seen as a prerogative of central government , may ( given the imperfections of the Tiebout mechanism and the informational requirements of administration ) be shown to be better pursued at a lower level of government when broader considerations are taken into account .
2 This approach does however force the wireframe modeller to work at a higher level of understanding than exists in most present systems .
3 There has recently been a sharp rise of interest in artificial intelligence — very broadly the attempt to write computer programs to work at a human level of intelligence and performance in such tasks as identifying and recognising objects in cluttered environments , understanding ordinary human languages such as English , or diagnosing what is wrong in cases of human illness or machine failure .
4 If we want to work at a high level of stress , however , anywhere near the potential strength of glass for instance , we must be prepared to keep the surface free from even the most microscopic cracks for , if even one crack is allowed to exceed the Griffith length , which may be only about a thousand Ångströms , catastrophic failure will occur .
5 An increase in earnings will lead to a reduction in both benefit and child support and so lone mothers will tend to be trapped at a low level of income .
6 They give some impression of the life and environment of the wealthy and influential but cause one to forget , or overlook , the lives of the majority of people living at a lower level of survival — a majority that probably includes the makers of the art object .
7 The partner in charge of several project engineers , however , will be looking at a coarser level of cost increment ( say £5000 ) in controlling and monitoring the performance of his or her group of engineers .
8 right so if you er draw a make sure you have got at least half a page , right , you are going to be drawing two quite familiar diagrams , right , you er , first of all just draw a normal total product curve , what we are going to do , because we are looking at a fixed level of output , sorry fixed level of capital what we are going to be analysing is the relationships between the total product of labour , the average product of labour , and the marginal product of labour , right , for a given level of capital okay , so the total product curve just tells us what happens to output as we increase the level of our variable factor labour keeping capital fixed at some constant constant level
9 Therefore they need only be made at a higher level of aggregation and should highlight potential peaks and troughs .
10 Most , perhaps all , functionalists are thorough-going materialists who believe that mental phenomena are genuine physical phenomena seen at a particular level of abstraction .
11 Child care is one obvious example , but there are also the many day-to-day tasks which enable households to be maintained and to function at a reasonable level of efficiency .
12 It is not yet clear how many criteria teachers and others can be expected to manage , or find useful , but the limited amount of research and observation which has been conducted in this area suggests that teachers do not always work at a high level of detailed information .
13 He suggested that the Government were engineering or conniving at a high level of unemployment .
14 were in effect suggesting that the inner psychological motivations for racism existed at a deeper level of social reality than the socially shared norms of tolerance .
15 However , it appears that when the measurement both of the disorder and of the type of event are attempted at a high level of specificity , then more specific correlations are revealed .
16 As a result of this the club has been able to run at a constant level of activity .
17 A group is a lesser thing than a team , which performs at a higher level of cohesion than a mere group needs to ( see Teams on page 161 ) .
18 Such an ability would be of more than merely theoretical interest : there are specialists , detectives one might almost say , who can take enormous quantities of program in a lower-level language ( not binary numbers , but normally machine code or something a little ‘ higher ’ ) and make plausible guesses as to what they actually do at a higher level of description ; or rather , given that they are told what the program was designed to do , work out how it accomplished the task and by what ‘ higher-level ’ steps .
19 Many of these stalwarts could , I am sure , play at a higher level of football and we are lucky that their devotion to the club and my management skills keep them here .
20 In this case , however , the economy will operate at a lower level of income and expenditure .
21 They lived at a low level of amenity for , even if they had had the wealth and knowledge to run a specialized judiciary or a hospital service , they resisted the organizational and constitutional consequences of such institutions .
22 Kuypers was the first to use this technique in studies of the brain and over the next 10 years , now in the United States , he charted at a new level of detail the connections made by the cerebral cortex with nervous elements in the brain-stem and spinal cord that control movement in a number of higher mammals .
23 The reason I ask is this ; Last season my club achieved promotion in the Courage League and naturally all the players were very pleased and excited by the prospect of competing at a higher level of rugby .
24 He also notes alternative methods for libraries which do not record issues on date labels in the books , and he shows how to predict the number of books which will be weeded at a given level of future use .
25 The document argued that a school would be more effective in achieving its aims if they were written down and it suggested six possible aims expressed at a high level of generality , for example : to develop lively enquiring minds … ; to acquire the knowledge and skills relevant to adult life and employment in a fast-changing world .
26 The population were kept at a pre-technological level of civilization , with android advisers to make their lives easy .
27 ‘ I 'm not suggesting a wholesale restructuring , merely that a few of the top ladies could benefit from participating at a higher level of competition ’ .
28 The establishment of such a correlation is not as easy as it might seem at first , because lead is only one ( and probably not one of the more important ) influences on the behaviour and intelligence of children , so that the correlation would at best be low , and hence require a large number of cases to be established at an acceptable level of statistical significance .
29 The key point is that the old , regulated financial systems stopped people from borrowing as much as they wanted at a given level of interest rates .
30 Far too many handicapped young people have been condemned to operate at a lower level of education and achievement than their abilities warrant because of lack of facilities for further and higher education .
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