Example sentences of "[verb] at the very [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mehrabad , as previously mentioned , was attacked at the very beginning of the war .
2 Signs that there had been loss of control appear at the very beginning of James 's reign when commissioners hearing private suits to the King were ordered not to give reversions to places of consequence .
3 The cells are lost from the tips of the folds and the stem cells are located at the very base of the folds .
4 Located at the very heart of San Francisco on Union Square , this elegant and historic hotel is arguably San Francisco 's finest , and offers a wide range of facilities and excellent accommodation to the discerning traveller .
5 It was to this area that the Hasteds had come at the very beginning of the 19th century ; previously their home had been in the City , in the parishes of St Katherine Coleman and St Olave , Hart Street , but like many of their contemporaries they made the pilgrimage east .
6 The Coroner was in his early forties , a gaunt , greying man , with thick spectacles perched at the very end of his nose .
7 A key element here is ‘ the principle of bounded rationality ( which ) lies at the very core of organization theory , and at the core , as well , of any ‘ theory of action ’ that purports to treat of human behaviour in complex organizations ' ( Simon , 1957b , p. 200 ) .
8 But with stunning clarity they demonstrate again how the great reformer has unleashed forces which he and his country no longer control , and which now are playing on the German Question itself , the issue which lies at the very heart of today 's European order .
9 Cleopatra 's gradual development , from scheming flirt to a woman who finds herself deeply in love , lies at the very heart of the opera .
10 ‘ ... there is a resistance to identity which lies at the very heart of psychic life . ’
11 It is this conundrum that lies at the very heart of the Section 28 debate — not to mention Labour 's problems with it .
12 A feeling of failure lies at the very heart of Serb nationalism , and with that come all the various justifications for this failure : all the various Cominterns , masonries and their unbelievable plots .
13 The prime consideration should be the evaluation and use of evidence , which lies at the very heart of the historical method .
14 Local authorities were anxious to redevelop the area as soon as possible , as it lies at the very heart of the town 's commercial district .
15 This duty which every partner owes to each of his co-partners lies at the very heart of the partnership relationship .
16 By designating such materials as in varying degrees precious they have created symbols of excellence , a quality which stems from aesthetic awareness but the striving for which lies at the very root of the civilizations created by man .
17 ‘ The ideal milieu , ’ says the reply from the WCC , ‘ would be in a Third World country ( where ) the ‘ laboratory ’ for research lies at the very door-step of the academic institution .
18 One further return to Carolingian precedent occurred at the very end of Louis VII 's reign , when coinage from the king 's mints and bearing his image began to circulate outside the royal demesne for the first time since the late ninth century .
19 Best done at the very start of an investigation .
20 The rig change is done at the very end of the turn which will involve a few seconds of clew first sailing
21 I was reading Mauriac the other day : the Mémoires intérieurs , written at the very end of his life .
22 I have no doubt that , in the light of developments , the Government and our Community partners will be looking at the very matters to which my hon. Friend has drawn attention .
23 Restrop was built at the very height of the great Elizabethan age , when the craft of building began to turn into an art .
24 His poetry tells a different story : there was wide and profound sentience — of man and nature , of beauty and the beast , of times and seasons , of perception and tactility , of hearing and tasting , and smelling ; at the bottom of which remains an unresolved questing , a whole gamut of unanswered questions which drove at the very heart of what he most wished to believe .
25 What must be accepted at the very basis of any enquiry is that it is not , as Taylor puts it , " a command , as in conventional search strategy , but rather as a description of an area of doubt in which the question is open-ended , negotiable and dynamic . "
26 Admittedly , this last complaint , made at the very start of the chapter , is harsher than it sounds .
27 The miraculous tales were set down in writing at the very beginning of literacy , even before the Homeric poems of the eighth century BC .
28 This was seen at the very moment of James V 's death .
29 This splendid though rather whimsical riverside house was built as a granary , conveniently positioned at the very head of the navigable part of the River Cam along which barges laden with corn could travel from King 's Lynn and the fenland farming areas .
30 And to my recollection , no one for whom Prost has ever driven has had a bad word to say about him , save at the very end of Prost 's career with Renault , when other factors that had nothing to do with driving intruded .
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