Example sentences of "[verb] at least [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But soon the big stories were written in the knowledge that readers would know at least the bare bones from a news bulletin , and the 24-hour cycle of the daily paper lost much of its point as a news medium .
2 After incubation and the exertions of tending their young , adults require the rest of the summer to regain condition and undergo at least a partial moult , then to fatten again for their journey back to the wintering grounds .
3 It is also likely to provoke at least a verbal protest from the United States , which has warned against any attempt to stem the flow of American programmes across the Atlantic .
4 SCOTLAND now has at least a tenuous connection with the WBC heavyweight championship contest between the holder , Lennox Lewis , and Tommy Tucker in Las Vegas in May .
5 But as regards his goods and chattels , which include his leaseholds , it is early admitted that he has at least a limited power to dispose by will — limited because his wife and children may have rights which he can not override .
6 The explanation of this is to be found in the matters propounded in Chapter One , that is , that members of the human race have a deeply felt need for a ‘ god ’ and a religion , and as almost everybody is reared within a family or group with some kind of religious background , each has at least a lingering allegiance to some form of established religion .
7 Whilst all school knowledge has at least an implicit pedagogy this tradition places the ‘ way the child learns ’ as the central concern in devising subject content .
8 ‘ Any Englishman , ’ said Thiercelin between sips , ‘ who is drifting about Vienna at present , supposedly as a tourist , has at least an even chance of being one of Pitt 's spies .
9 Institutions established outside the normal administrative structures having broad responsibilities for regional or area development provide at least a theoretical framework able to ensure a degree of coordination between sectoral government agencies .
10 Poll tax payers in Hambleton will have to find at least an extra £25 after district councillors yesterday set the rate at £210 for the area 's 60,000 payers an increase of 13pc .
11 In the market , shareholders in one automobile firm can observe the profitability of the competitors to obtain at least a rough idea about the managerial quality of the given firm .
12 They want at least a five-year transition period before Europe 's exchange rates are locked for good .
13 Once dissolved , there is no Parliament until the next one meets ; it is yet another endearingly eccentric feature of the constitution of this cradle of democracy that its law provides that , at least once in every five years , it shall undergo at least a short spell of autocracy .
14 This allows at least a reasonable throughput of air ; the mid-day temperatures are usually around 80 to 100°F , sometimes more .
15 This is something that you may feel a need to be sure of , and it is quite possible to devise tests which will give at least a good indication of the likely impact of the ad in these terms .
16 Authorisation is in the hands of the Department of Trade and Industry and depends upon a trust 's deed meeting at least the following conditions :
17 Finally , Ebussu'ud Efendi also stipulated the number of students to whom each entitled office-holder in the learned profession might grant and though the numbers which he fixed are not reported , figures have been given above which comprise a partial list for the of 959 and 963 , while Ata'i gives another partial list for the of 973 , in which the kazaskers were each permitted to invest ten students as " the kadis of the three cities ' i.e. those of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa ) five each , and " the other kadis of the throne " a term of uncertain application , but almost certainly comprising at least the other kadis mentioned in the decree of 963 ) three each : the figures for the kazaskers at least , and probably the others as well , applied down to Ata'i 's own day .
18 Further good news is that more and more survivors are regularly meeting together , often to unburden themselves , sometimes to experience at least the psychological satisfaction of knowing that they 're not alone .
19 In those societies of the late twentieth century in which there exists at least a minimal freedom of expression and association social movements are a means by which members of society can express dissent and opposition in a direct and immediate way , and can challenge the indifference , remoteness or negligence of party machines .
20 The classification of this category is not free from difficulty but it includes at least a common law lien and a lien arising by operation of law .
21 It must have taken Summerchild at least an extra minute in each direction ; as I recall it from those evenings fifteen years ago , he walked at a much more reflective pace , as if slowed by some inner weight .
22 When the system appears to be malfunctional , usually at times of economic difficulty for the country , some commentators identify such inherent problems as providing at least a partial explanation for the system 's poor showing .
23 Although both the USSR and Somalia downplayed the Soviet presence in Berbera , there existed at least a long-range communications station for submarines at Berbera , which formed part of the Soviet nuclear strategic infrastructure .
24 It is common ground that in a majority of cases where an order may be made under section 18 for the payment by the Board to the unassisted party of the costs of appellate , as opposed to first instance , proceedings , the Court of Appeal or this House will be in a position at the conclusion of an appeal on the information then before it to decide under section 18(3) what , if any , order for costs should be made against the assisted party and to form at least a provisional view under section 18(4) ( c ) as to whether it would be ‘ just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case that provision for the costs should be made out of public funds . ’
25 Every school is required by law ( Education [ School Information ] Regulations 1981 and Education Reform Act 1988 , Circular 1988 , Circular 14/89 ) to produce a prospectus which must contain at least the following information :
26 Undercutting , polishing and pitting up to about 3 m ( 10 ft ) confirms that wind has played at least an important part in their development , while their restriction to areas of erodible sandstone providing a large amount of material for sand blasting also strongly suggests the part played by the wind .
27 These conditions have fostered a ‘ pick-and-choose ’ or ‘ supermarket ’ approach to sentencing on the part of the courts which neither Parliament nor the Appeal Courts have until recently sought to discourage , though the Criminal Justice Act 1991 ( see below , page 107 ) appears to herald at least a partial break with that tradition .
28 Towards the end of the century the bourgeoisie discovered at least a temporary formula for combining getting and spending , cushioned by the acquisitions of the past .
29 Nevertheless , the exposure will be mentioned where relevant , to give at least a relative idea of the values used .
30 A model of the physiological processes concerned with cognition requires at least a four-part system with feedback loops between them .
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