Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] higher [noun] than " in BNC.

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1 Surely someone moving toward the light ought to measure it traveling at a higher speed than someone moving in the same direction as the light ; yet the experiment showed that both observers would measure exactly the same speed .
2 If the money had been spent on social and industrial problems then the American economy might well have grown at a higher rate than it has , and technological innovation might have been more rapid in areas which directly contribute to trade .
3 Earnings have consistently risen at a higher rate than prices , widening the gulf between the incomes of working people with average wages , and those dependent on state benefits .
4 One group on low income who will lose out consists of those people living in areas where the poll tax is levied at a higher rate than the Government calculates , and who in consequence will have to meet a 20 per cent poll tax bill that is larger than that calculated by the 20 per cent met by the Government .
5 Where an offer is made to shareholders and shares are sold at a higher price than the original offer , the compulsory bid is deemed to be revised , again ensuring that shareholders are treated equally .
6 According to Andrews , Ontos DB — described as a component object database environment — resides at a higher level than persistent languages such as C++ and SmallTalk or databases that are simply collections of objects that use C++ topologies rather than SQL .
7 A worried Bank of England used the weekend to negotiate for the Portuguese currency to start at a higher level than that planned on Friday , but it clearly was not high enough for the pound .
8 The choice does not have to lie between unanimity and a simple majority of the partners : frequently the required majority will be set at a higher level than 50 per cent plus one to reflect the importance of the matter under discussion .
9 Red wines are fermented at a higher temperature than whites to extract colour and tannin from the skins .
10 This interest is charged at a higher rate than a standard loan .
11 Since he re-sells as owner it follows that he can keep any profit he makes by re-selling at a higher price than the original buyer had agreed to pay .
12 It is therefore safe for a fire-engine driver to proceed at a higher speed than would be possible for other drivers .
13 Unlike offices , the level of income fluctuates although sometimes over a longer period it fluctuates at a higher level than commercial .
14 SIX YEARS ago San Diego 's police were being killed at a higher rate than the police in any other big American city .
15 Mr Cavaco Silva tried put the brakes on his currency by cutting key interest rates by 1 p.c. to just under 18 p.c. and by selling escudos but the pound ended the day less than 1 p.c. away from its floor of 241.5 against the Portuguese currency , despite successful British efforts over the weekend to force Portugal to join at a higher rate than the Lisbon government had planned on Friday .
16 An advantage of this slender branch byway , which runs at a higher level than the main road , is the splendid panorama it affords of the encircling hills : across the valley the distant double-topped Frostrow merges in the long whaleback skyline of Rise Hill ; at the head is Great Knoutberry Hill carrying the railway ; rising to the left are the lower slopes of Whernside , succeeded by Great Coum beyond the gap of Deepdale , and finally Middleton Fell closes the horizon .
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