Example sentences of "[verb] advantage [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Where the user takes advantage of the voluntary vision screening programme and as a consequence of vision defects at the viewing distances used specifically for the display screen work concerned is recommended to have a full eyesight examination by an ophthalmic optician , then during this interim period , the user will be permitted to use an ophthalmic optician of their own choice .
2 Kaisa , bored by the proceedings , takes advantage of the slack trace and goes over to have a look at a tree .
3 Tree shrews are a prime example of speciation , whereby a family branches out to create separate species that can take advantage of the many food niches in the rich tropical habitat .
4 Carpe diem : workers will take advantage of the short-term opportunity for financial gain afforded by abnormally high real wages by working longer hours , postponing holidays , working weekends , etc .
5 Those living within reach of Edinburgh should certainly take advantage of the annual University Open Day .
6 Non-members can take advantage of the low dealing costs by calling into one of the Norwich & Peterborough 's 65 branches , but only once they have received their allotment letters .
7 Non-members can take advantage of the low dealing costs by calling into one of the Norwich & Peterborough 's 65 branches , but only once they have received their allotment letters .
8 Crucially , they can not take advantage of the two week cooling-off period available to individuals .
9 Do take advantage of the new low- and no-alcohol drinks available in Sainbury 's
10 Could they take advantage of the new offer ? 2 .
11 This would tie in with the kind of creature that could take advantage of the first abundance of flowering plants and special insects emerging in the late Cretaceous .
12 The shop , now double the size it was a year ago , was ‘ very healthily up ’ , and could now take advantage of the last minute frenzy by being able to accommodate more people inside .
13 The Indian Department of Electronics says overseas computer firms can take advantage of the trained manpower available in India due to liberal economic policies and incentives provided by the government .
14 Quoting from The Times , he would agree that , as applied in Poland , Marxism had created a proletariat disposed to ‘ revolutionising practice ’ inspired by those who could not take advantage of the widespread corruption through which a black economy , supported by western currency , operates to mitigate the sheer harshness of a regime of scarcity .
15 A pamphlet produced by the Department of Trade and Industry ( The Single Market — an action checklists for business , May 1989 , HMSO ) perhaps best sums up how companies can take advantage of the single market in terms of protecting their existing markets and developing new markets .
16 Under such circumstances users can take advantage of the mass market industry standard SIMMS which , due to their wide availability , are consistently cheaper than proprietary memory upgrades .
17 Emphasising the need for European co-operation , Mr Stewart said : ‘ By bringing together the resources of various countries , we can take advantage of the complementary know-how and abilities available throughout Europe .
18 It is no defence for the director to say that he was absent when the play was performed , unless he can take advantage of the special defence that he did not know , and had no reason to suspect , that the performance would involve the use of the offending words or behaviour .
19 Lump sum investments can take advantage of the charitable status of public schools by paying into an educational trust run by the schools themselves or the life offices .
20 In addition , enterprises may take advantage of the characteristic fragmentation of political authority and inter-agency conflicts of the type described earlier .
21 Most of the small passerines which favour an Arctic summer home , where they can take advantage of the prolific insect life , pass through Shetland on their way to a winter habitat which suits their food preferences .
22 Bogle the Locksmith was sick on a waiter 's sleeve , taking advantage of the temporary lull .
23 This is achieved by the bidder procuring the target to be re-registered as a private company and taking advantage of the private company exemption contained in s155. ( 3 ) To save stamp duty .
24 Taking advantage of the dry season , which would probably end in April , government units were said now also to be attacking the SPLA from across the border in Ethiopia itself .
25 After the photo session we ate and sunbathed naked , taking advantage of the amazing heat and the warm breeze that kept away the mozzies .
26 The hospice issue became entangled in the wider question of Jewish settlement in late April when Shamir was accused of taking advantage of the political stalemate by authorizing new settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip .
27 Even so , it is recorded that the President was considered to have been at best somewhat opportunistic in ‘ taking advantage of the favourable atmosphere ’ of the April 27th meeting !
28 Relevant European institutions are banks , building societies or other institutions incorporated in a Member State of the EC outside the UK , which are taking advantage of the European passport granted under the EC 's Second Banking Directive .
29 Taking advantage of the good weather and the amazing lack of activity since his last blitz , Andy Nisbet returned to the quartzite and sandstone cliffs of Coire Mhic Fhearchair on Beinn Eighe adding another ten routes with various partners ( more details next mont ) .
30 We roamed the streets together looking for possible future providers of parchment and , taking advantage of the good weather , rode north to Oxford to the parchment-sellers along Holywell and Broad Street as well as the little shops on the Turl near Exeter College .
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