Example sentences of "[verb] myself [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And I believe that I began then to train myself to listen in the voice of somebody , or look through the outer facade .
2 I visualized Alison as living in a classic North Oxford mansion set on a bosky avenue amid the murmuring of innumerable dons , so I was surprised to find myself directed up the hill to Headington .
3 On my last visit to Lewis I found myself repelled by the use of derogatory nicknames , and could n't understand why I was reacting so violently .
4 Taking a photograph , I had stepped forward onto nothing and found myself flying through the air , cartwheeling like a rag doll , striking sharp edges and corners and buffeted by hard objects .
5 I found myself humming to the tune of the violin an old man was playing for sous .
6 I found myself living on the base with a dozen nationalities thrown together to know our God more .
7 I found myself gazing at the harmonium and my memories of the happy times I 'd spent listening to Miss Louise play came flooding back and I wept more .
8 Said the communique De Benedetti sent out by facsimile about an hour after his meeting with the judges , which the paper said seemed to be written in his own hand : ‘ Several times , I resisted the vexations of the regime , in some occasions I resigned myself to accept them , but only when I found myself faced with the necessity of defending the survival of the company and the thousands of dependents and shareholders toward whom I felt a massive responsibility .
9 I spent a romantic holiday on the island some 30 years ago in a mountain village with a non-sailing companion and found myself pining in the summer heat for that azure water in the little harbour below .
10 I soon found myself engrossed in the history of the valley ; tales and stories of the turbulent times of Border wars .
11 I was inclined to laugh until I found myself shuffling along the edge of one levada , eyes fixed to avoid looking at the drop below .
12 They played ‘ ’ Invitation to the Waltz' ’ on Radio 3 this morning' — she was speaking faster and faster , edging towards the gun — ‘ such a heavenly tune , I played it at school , and suddenly found myself waltzing round the kitchen , then Ethel leapt up and waltzed with me , and I thought perhaps there is a life after Hamish .
13 One horrible night I found myself crouched at the door , listening for sounds of pain which would have given me pleasure , sounds of pleasure that would have hurt .
14 I next found myself lying at the bottom of a crude hopper of duck boards which was set on top of an irrigation dyke .
15 Having said that , I do know how overpowering they can be ; indeed , I have felt myself withering in the face of a three-year-old 's wilfulness .
16 But I think that was when I was in the sea holding on to the bit of foam , and more or less just let myself float under the water , but me arm was round the top of the bit of foam , on the surface , and I think it got burnt by the the heat off the platform then .
17 I hear myself scream in the treble , and , Ahhh ! and Ahhh ! again .
18 As one who grew up in the Dark Ages and is , as a result , spiritually stunted and psychologically scarred , I regularly find myself cringing at the sight of moaning footballers and speculating , in a twisted fashion , on how much better they might play if all the energy spent on operating the jaws were to be concentrated on getting on with the game .
19 Between ourselves , I sometimes find myself struggling with the reality of living in a Church which patently does not live out the implications of all this .
20 ‘ I find myself talking to the baby all the time .
21 Be assured however that if I can in any manner contribute to the success of your efforts , either by the proposal of questions for discussion , or subjects for Papers or giving my opinions on any part of the Veterinary Art which you may think proper to investigate I shall at all times feel myself honored by the request , & I am persuaded that Mr Sewell will be most happy to ( ? add ) his exertions in any way congenial to your wishes .
22 I felt myself propelled towards the stage .
23 With horror , I felt myself falling through the air .
24 One thing was clear in the confusion-that I could not even let myself think about the matter unless my physical health was up to it .
25 Making myself known to the Press Department of the RCA Building at Rockefeller Centre , I was first taken to see the James Melton Show , another extremely popular national network feature .
26 I felt quite embarrassed and excused myself to go to the cloakroom .
27 The most I 'd allowed myself to see of the inside of that room during his three months at Sleet was himself half naked ruled into a margin of light .
28 I am enjoying myself playing with the autopilot , either adjusting the trim with the ‘ coolie hat ’ on top of the cyclic or playing disconnect , move and reset as an alternative .
29 And I mean one had to be grateful because she was much more concerned about whether I 'd hurt myself falling off the ladder than her wardrobe .
30 I walk around in it for a while anyway , watching myself approach in the mirror and admiring the way the skirt moves as I walk .
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