Example sentences of "[verb] upon [pron] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Her main interests were the cinema and horse-racing ; she drew upon her knowledge of the latter in Brat Farrar ( 1949 ) , a novel featuring a false claimant to an estate .
2 The eleventh-century claim that Merewalh , king of the Magonsaete , was also a son of Penda can not be authenticated , even though in the 740s Aethelbald , king of the Mercians , appears to describe Mildrith ( later regarded as the daughter of Merewalh and Aebbe ( Eafe ) , a Kentish princess ) as his kinswoman ( CS 177 : S 91 ) ; and the likelihood is not that the Magonsaete were a Mercian creation but that Mercian control was being imposed upon their territory across the mid-seventh century .
3 Of course there are increasing numbers of hungry children in Peru who stare mistrustfully at camera-laden gringos ( white tourists ) , but your front cover does nothing towards providing an image of either the anger and creativity of Peruvian people , nor the barbaric economic situation that has been imposed upon their country by the current world economic order , both of which are well described within the issue .
4 ‘ I 'm full of fight , ’ she was reported to have said upon her arrival at the Hospitality Inn .
5 Markusen ( 1980 ) has remarked that efficiency depends upon which side of the dinner table you are sitting on.7 Davidoff ( 1976 ) has observed that rationalising housework in the economic sense is in itself an absurdity since , after the Second World War at least , the majority of housewives are unpaid .
6 Much of the success or failure of our engagement with a book depends upon our response to the persona of the author , that is , the character the author assumes in the book .
7 Plainly on those matters he was disbelieved upon his oath by the jury .
8 On March 21 Michael Heseltine , the Environment Secretary , announced interim results of the outcome of the review of local government structure , functions and finance with which he had been entrusted upon his appointment to the Major government in November 1990 [ see pp. 37839-40 ] .
9 Together they contribute the cultural means whereby a society organizes and acts upon its environment by the establishment of communal categories of context .
10 I remember nothing there except a girl in the top class , who was fair-haired and had a bright complexion , and I see her now in my mind 's eye outstretched , lying upon her back on the floor .
11 But the memory of those sacred bones remained engraved upon my memory for the rest of my life .
12 Based upon his evaluation of the Senior Management Team conduct of assemblies , the Head of Department said that he would take any criticism of teaching skills very much to heart if it came from the DHS .
13 We can not go into detail on these various theories , but we can draw upon their emphasis on the ‘ functions of capital ’ performed by those with strategic control over the enterprise and significant control ( directly or indirectly ) over subordinate employees .
14 Expanding upon his conversation at the Paris airshow ( see the August issue ) , Yakovlev noted that , ‘ It is possible that other types of single-engined Yak replicas or restorations will appear . ’
15 My eventual decision may very well depend upon your behaviour over the next few weeks .
16 A smallholder , by virtue of his small scale , may often be able to farm successfully in a manner defying the commercial conventions of the district , but such success will depend upon his grasp of the principles of soils , crops , and animal husbandry and a wise assessment of his land potential .
17 Those remaining open may be drawing upon their stock for the summer programme .
18 I believe an important issue for all of us in the run up to and throughout the seventy fifth birthday , is the need to increase the understanding and raise the profile and the value placed upon our work in the United Kingdom .
19 Robert Bruce , grandson of Lord Annandale , one of the original competitors , was installed as King of Scotland in 1306 , and the crown was placed upon his head by the Countess of Buchan .
20 Decide upon your menu with the help of your caterers
21 The Tory decision to end the war proved very popular , and it was clearly a decision that was , at least to some extent , predicated upon their appreciation of the general war weariness in the nation in the later years of Anne 's reign .
22 If his work kept him late for a meal , he had satirical reproaches cast upon his head by the landlady .
23 They do not carry the double-edged sword of apparent free choice and intellectual ability , to understand or cogitate upon their place within the scheme of things .
24 Undoubtedly these evasions were possible because among the clergy as a whole were many who served the king and depended upon his protection against the rigours of canon law , and because the pope , in his defence of the monarchy , undermined the independence and confidence of the prelates .
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