Example sentences of "[verb] upon [pron] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The inquirer does not believe current scientific results , but simply looks upon them as the current stage on the route to a final description of reality .
2 He was constantly harassed by Philip III of France and his officers as a result of a fine of 15,000 l.t. imposed upon him by the French king 's court in 1273 .
3 The shapes of the things we make are , as a general rule , imposed upon them from the outside : we do not make ‘ embryo ’ machines which acquire complex shapes by intrinsic processes .
4 For rather than being the locus of action , choice , etc. , the individual is to be seen as a ‘ conjuncture ’ of social practices ; each person 's intentional properties can be ‘ explained away ’ as the result of constraints imposed upon them by the structured whole .
5 As a consequence , they are likely to be faced with the necessity of balancing priorities — within the various demands being made upon them by the inchoate changes which characterize the present assessment climate .
6 First , instead of the size of the pool being determined solely by the demands made upon it by the local authorities , the global sum to be spent on advanced further education would be determined by the AFEC in consultation with the DES after it received estimates of expenditure from the local authorities in respect of the provision of higher education within their boundaries , on the grounds that the local authority would behave more responsibly if it paid a proportion of the cost rather than reclaiming all of it from the pool .
7 Whether the introduction of the term fairness causes any modification of this stance depends upon which of the following two meanings is ascribed to that term .
8 Which of these three numbers is the most appropriate depends upon which of the following three statements we think is nearest the truth :
9 er the E C has really bought upon itself with the common agricultural policy a big animal that is very slow to move and it 's not really any advantages of each individual .
10 I look upon him as the authentic voice of the Labour party , and I want him to be heard .
11 As we have seen , however , trade-unionism failed to take root less because of intelligentsia influence than because of the constraints placed upon it by the tsarist State .
12 Earlier in Weston-Super-Mare Salvation Army leaders had been arrested for proceeding with a march contrary to a ban placed upon it by the local magistrates .
13 The ordination was conferred upon him by the special approval of the Archbishop of Canterbury .
14 Authors who recognize the significance of manipulation , indoctrination , or ‘ conditioned power ’ ( Galbraith , 1985 ) believe that people may make mistakes in deciding what are their interests , and accept definitions of their interests foisted upon them by the powerful .
15 Institutionally it was shaken almost to pieces , and certainly out of the torpor that had descended upon it in the long aftermath of the Counter Reformation and the seventeenth-century wars of religion , by the reverberations of the Revolution with their deeply anti-religious and anti-traditional note .
16 to the tune of four and a half billion , then look towards the legislation that 's been inflicted upon us by the Conservative government .
17 He had happened upon me at the crucial moment : I had little idea of who I was or what I was entitled to from life , let alone what it behoved me to contribute .
18 Whether or not he suspected this , Rodrigo accepted the favours bestowed upon him by the new King — including marriage to Alfonso 's niece Ximena Diaz .
19 Even so , the refugees themselves are likely to resist any settlement unless it is forced upon them by the Syrian government itself .
20 The truth is that without the assistance and support of local education authorities in helping schools manage the many drastic , rushed and ill conceived changes forced upon them by the Tory Government during the past 13 years , the education service would by now be in total disarray .
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