Example sentences of "[verb] change its [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Society , she says , may need to change its attitude to the perpetrators , from a climate where they are seen as ‘ monsters ’ faced with imprisonment to one where they can admit what has happened .
2 However , as the Worcester Post Man has changed its title to the Worcester Journal , the Mercury could claim to be the oldest surviving newspaper with the same name .
3 You see , the Comer has changed its course since the third century .
4 The United States , having refused in June to sign a protocol to the Antarctic Treaty banning mining in the continent [ see ED 48 ] , has changed its position after the insertion of a clause allowing the ban to be ended after 50 years if a three-quarters majority of voting members of the Antarctic Treaty agree to it .
5 The Bulgarian Green Party , which played a major role in the movement leading to the overthrow of communism , has changed its name to the Conservative Environmental Party .
6 Although it has changed its name to the Cirque Invisible with most of its material new , its format remains much the same as before , created by the husband and wife team of Jean Baptiste Thierree and Victoria Chaplin ( daughter of Oonagh ) but not joined by their lithe acrobat son , James Spencer Thierree .
7 The problem is , the term Lamarckism has changed its meaning in the course of this century , and now Lamarckism , if you say Lamarckism to most educated people , the first thing they normally think of , is not evolution by will , or , or progressivism , but inheritance of acquired characteristics .
8 In other words , far from having lessened , uneven development has changed its nature as the geography of the division of labour in society , and the dimensions of that division of labour itself , have evolved .
9 The table and chart should change as I alter the data in my spreadsheet ( the firm that did the survey keeps changing its mind over the results ) and I 'd like to import or draw a graphic to make the page as eye-catching as possible .
10 The Brazilian Communist Party ( PCB ) , founded in 1922 , decided to change its name to the Popular Socialist Party ( PSP ) at its 10th congress held in January .
11 The status of Leintwardine is not clear , although Dr Stanford considers it to be military throughout its history ; the area of 14 acres , however , is too large for a fort , and the presence of civil buildings may indicate otherwise ; it may have changed its status with the pacification of Wales and the redistribution of troops , caused by troubles in the north .
12 In possibly its shortest annual general meeting on record — a mere 26 minutes — the British Hotels , Restaurants & Caterers Association ( BHRCA ) last week voted to change its name to the British Hospitality Association ( BHA ) .
13 It was during these five years of Clarendon 's first period at the Foreign Office that it seems to have changed its status from the personal domain of the Secretary of State to a professionally staffed institution with its own executive functions and , at the same time , positive steps were taken towards providing suitable accommodation for this new organization .
14 The Mexican environmentalist organisation , Group of 100 , has attacked an article in the newspaper , Excelsior , which claimed that the group had changed its position on the international embargo on Mexican tuna .
15 THE NUNS in Northamptonshire who are battling to save their 5,000 chickens from slaughter said yesterday that the Ministry of Agriculture had changed its story over the type of salmonella responsible for the outbreak of food poisoning which led to the flock being tested .
16 As a result , rebel sources said that RAM had changed its name to the Nationalist Revolutionary Alliance and evolved into a more civilian-military association .
17 The group had changed its name to the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Movement ( MPMR ) on May 31 in order to facilitate a transition to mainstream politics .
18 During the course of the congress it became evident that the KPRP had changed its name to the Cambodian People 's Party ( CPP ) .
19 There was reported controversy at a meeting of the SI council on Nov. 23-24 in Geneva , Switzerland , over proposals , principally from the West German and Austrian socialist parties , that the SI establish formal links with ruling " ex-communist parties " in Eastern Europe , especially with the Hungarian Socialist Party ( HSP — which had changed its name from the Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party ( HSWP ) in October — see p. 36960 ) .
20 For another , the Labour Party had changed its policy in the mid 1930s from one advocating ‘ no more war ’ to one which was prepared to meet the challenge of fascism .
21 Money , she realised , had changed its nature over the years .
22 On Second Reading on 8 May 1989 , at column 617 , my hon. Friend the Member for Ealing , Acton ( Sir G. Young ) was asked why British Rail had changed its mind about the need for a high-speed rail link .
23 They 've changed its name from the whimsical BillyGram of the beta to a more pointed ClieNT Server NEWS .
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