Example sentences of "[verb] it [prep] [art] [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 The primary task of monetary policy is to fight inflation , keeping it to an acceptable level .
2 This E S R D really is the bible and we have specified the aircraft to meet that E S R D and not anything extra , er obviously if one of the four nations wants to build a nuclear role into the aircraft that becomes a very big political question first and foremost and we have just not considered it at the technical level at all because it 's er it 's not in the requirement .
3 ‘ It 's not going to stop the abuse of power , it 's just going to restrict it to the highest level .
4 Already the only preserved railway to be operating a regular commercial freight contract jointly with British Rail , the present proposals would lift it to a new level of national importance .
5 informal rejection or acceptance of the planning proposal , without expressing it at a formal level
6 Auto-exposure systems work by measuring the average brightness of the incoming picture , and they control it to a standard level by varying the lens iris opening and the ‘ gain ’ of the camcorder 's video amplifier .
7 I do n't see how that you can possible reduce the number of deaths within the county , or even maintain it at the same level .
8 However , if the scheme is viewed as one that does not tax interest on savings , then more consumption in the future can be financed from a given volume of savings and those seeking a target future consumption can meet it with a lower level of current savings .
9 If the countries of the EC all give up national power and pass it to the European level , are they all giving up the same thing ?
10 This is very contrary to our traditional view of trying to segment and fragment the information and trying to keep it at the business specific level or trying to keep it at the corporate level .
11 How you look at someone , the attention you give them and your body language are all means of communication and can have a strong effect upon the recipient , even if he only perceives it on a subconscious level .
12 Nor was hegemony an inevitable or universal phenomenon , and conscious efforts to combat it at the ideological level were a necessary part of the socialist project .
13 Mr Mr I think it 's implicit in our own nature and in our own character and a known fact that we are constituted here as a general assembly and we indeed ascribe to that and I do n't think we need to affirm it on a lower level of what is in fact the very standard of our existence here er in a general assembly .
14 The BeSHT did more ; he promoted it to a higher level of importance ; he confirmed and extended the principle of enjoyment , bringing it much more centrally in to the people 's worship as a sense of divine gladness .
15 The regional tourist boards should now be strongly supporting the need for the national framework , for guidance and assistance that can only come from a central body — yet they dare not speak too loudly for fear that their reduced funding will be cut even further if DoNH reallocates it to the national level .
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