Example sentences of "[verb] in [art] police [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Warning signs began to flash that abuses could occur in the police investigation of serious crime .
2 ‘ We do n't need to look in the police station for her , ’ Cobalt added .
3 She had asked Mr Hedley to look in the police car on the verge .
4 A Sinhalese member of the Legislative Council thought that magistrates would have difficulties carrying out the spirit of the legislation : ‘ A crowd appears in the Police Court in the morning and unless plaints are presented and the names called out it will be somewhat difficult for the Magistrate to ascertain who are the people who have come to offer plaints and it will depend on some minor Court official or the peons as to who are admitted to the precincts of the Court . ’
5 A ten-year-old could be detained in a police cell for up to 36 hours but it is more common for children to be released into the care of social workers overnight .
6 Mr Nagdi died in a police car on his way to hospital .
7 Ben too was an active man in his sixties and had served in the police force for years , rising to the rank of sergeant .
8 When I was put in the police cells after getting remanded , the police were trying to scare us , telling us about lesbians and all that at Low Newton remand centre .
9 From there he 'd been taken in a police van to Whitely by two police officers .
10 Protesting her innocence , she was taken in a police van from Heathrow to a police station , near the flat where Gemma was found alone after Ms Gibson left for the Costa del Sol with a male friend .
11 In calculating the time when a review is due , the starting point is : ( a ) where a person is arrested outside the police station ( i ) the time he arrives at the relevant station ; or ( ii ) the time 24 hours after the time of his arrest , whichever is the earlier ; ( b ) where a person attends the police station voluntarily and is subsequently arrested there the time of arrest ; ( c ) where a person is arrested outside England and Wales : ( i ) the time he arrives at the first station to which he is taken in the police area in which the offence for which he has been arrested is being investigated ; or ( ii ) 24 hours after the time of his entry into the country whichever is the earlier ; ( d ) where a person is arrested in another part of the country and has to be taken to the police area where the offence is being investigated for questioning — the time at which he arrived at the first police station in the police area in question .
12 We were kept in the police station for a couple of days and then we got remanded to Low Newton .
13 sort this out sensibly , the police overreact , they arrest him at midnight in the clothes he stands up in , they take him down to the police station , he 's held in the police station for about thirty six hours or so , something like that , er instead of being brought before the court straight away and released on bail straight away , they , they keep him in custody where he 's never been before , er and Madam he 's then released on bail but court imposes silly conditions on him , conditions that he should n't go back to his home address , he ca n't go and see his girlfriend , he ca n't go and see his children , er , and Madam it seems to be an abuse of the process really of the court to behave in this way .
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