Example sentences of "[verb] a almost [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout his three great journeys of discovery and exploration , Captain James Cook had been the most assiduous of diarists , keeping an almost daily record of thoughts and observations .
2 Sanyo has tried to be active in the personal computer market as a member of the Japanese-language AT-compatible AX PC group , but has an almost negligible share within Japan , with most sales coming in OEM from Europe and the US .
3 On November 6 , 1975 , we played support at St Martin 's School of Art to a band called Bazooka Joe — which included a young man called Stuart Goddard , later to become Adam Ant and so obsessed by punk that he has an almost complete set of Seditionaries clothing .
4 Also in the Corinthian Order , it has an almost intact peristyle of 20 columns but the entablature has been replaced by a modern roof .
5 As a result of eating the troll flesh he has developed several troll-like traits and has an almost trollish resistance to injury .
6 When the arm spines are cleaned in bleach the smaller ones are seen to be thin and only slightly rugose with the area of attachment reinforced while the larger spine has an almost smooth shaft with a multipointed head .
7 It has an almost mystical appeal for north-east people , with its prominent blue peaks attracting the eye from so many quarters .
8 Joseph II will always be remembered for finding ‘ too many notes ’ in Die Entfuhrung ; and our own Queen has an almost comparable claim on immortality if the story is to be believed that when asked to attend a performance of Figaro , she replied : ‘ Is that the one about the pin ? ’
9 These , accumulating during this second period created an almost limitless reservoir of units and it is this reservoir which can be regarded as being identified with the state of the Created God at the time of the dawn of civilisation .
10 Dry rot exhibits an almost uncanny knowledge of the presence of timber and is able to thrust through brickwork mortar joints and to travel across brickwork behind plaster over great distances in its search for fresh food .
11 As a result , despite the potentially strong bargaining hand which the pre-war boom gave to skilled labour , workers sustained an almost unbroken record of failure in strike action .
12 He had his widowed mother living with him and two sisters who had to get husbands ; both Mr James and Constanza say that it would have been considered an almost monstrous act of selfishness if the prince had insisted on marrying one of the Montecativi or Roccarosa girls for their beaux yeux .
13 Some are very brief and incomplete , while others provide an almost exhaustive break-down of main and subsidiary topics , cross-referencing subjects wherever necessary .
14 Yet , with its odd mix of introversion and extroversion and overbearing sense that the adult world is conspiring against the youth of today , it manages to create an almost perfect distillation of adolescence .
15 It made a fortune and spawned an almost decade-long string of Hollywood imitations , the ‘ blacksploitation ’ films , built around the exploits of virile leading men .
16 They could be seen as a bridge forming an almost tangible link between the ‘ two worlds ’ of spirit and matter .
17 There were still traces of ethnocentrism in the nationalist viewpoint elsewhere in the report : for instance , they still referred to ‘ the historic integrity of Ireland ’ ( New Ireland Forum 1983–4 : i. 28 ) , implying an almost naturalistic concept of Irish unity , when as a political unit Ireland only ever existed as a British-administered territory .
18 Addition of phosphatidylethanolamine caused an almost complete shift of cholesterol to the vesicular phase .
19 High perspective achieves an almost generalized view of land which can reflect an economic bias , Little attention is paid to the ‘ content ’ of landscapes as artists give ‘ … little evidence of caring that the topography … was a representation of the needs of the people who had created it . ’
20 This provoked an almost universal howl of outrage in Britain .
21 And there seemed an almost endless queue of freighters , tankers and oreships waiting in the roads at each end , some at anchor , some jostling politely for the lock entrances .
22 If the governmental record of the liberation era had been decidedly mixed , in personal political terms this period seemed an almost unmitigated disaster for de Gaulle .
23 In its varied type-faces , its symbols of mourning — lilies , the reaping sickle , the portrait photograph framed in lines as if hanging on a wall — and its verses from Longfellow , this seemed an almost Victorian celebration of death .
24 In a career that took him to Genoa where he played for the local side Sampdoria , he assumed an almost Italianate sense of style .
25 Although use of the IUD and condom has increased , especially among educated women , the rise of sterilization is much more important as it marks an almost certain end to childbearing ( table 4.3 ) .
26 ‘ The face of nature under one broad and universal glare ( a cloudless midsummer day ) is not propitious to the feelings of an anxious spectator ; but this monotony can only be of short duration , because the declining sun … produces shadows ; these gradually expanding , uniting and finally on the setting of the sun … exhibit an almost infinite variety of form , of tone and of colour . ’
27 Burgeoning nature symbolises the creative process : in ‘ Out of Egypt ’ , for instance , branches bending towards the ground create an almost complete circle of growth and nurture .
28 She had been lonely from the start of her marriage , despite the presence of a small army of black servants in the Queen Anne plantation house overlooking the James River , and several years had passed before she understood fully that her husband had used his frequent absences , at first on plantation business , then in Washington , to conceal an almost total lack of physical interest in her .
29 When in 1937 Mussolini , like Hitler , intervened in support of Franco in the Spanish Civil War , and again when he annexed Libya in October 1938 , the ordinary inhabitants of Fontanellato showed an almost total lack of interest ; principally , again , because none of them were involved .
30 When we look at the relationship between choice of /Ε/; realization and individual social network structure , we find a pattern emerging converse to the one described for /a/ ; recall also that the incoming variants of the two vowels showed an almost converse distribution with regard to status , sex of speaker and speech styles .
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