Example sentences of "[verb] be brought up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Her parents were killed in an accident when she was very young , and she has been brought up at the château , almost as the daughter of the house .
2 An individual who has been brought up in the abstractions of education and capital , and who is certain of obtaining daily necessities , cultivates a distance from these needs , and affects a taste based in the respect and desire for the abstract , distanced and formal .
3 Yeah , oh yeah I remember it quite well I , I can remember that I , the only parts of Harlow I liked were the country lanes , I did n't like all the new houses , but then I 'd been brought up in the country
4 She wondered how he would be now if he 'd been brought up in the Down Manor Orphanage .
5 Certainly Joanne Menzies appeared not to recognize him , although he 'd rather regretted choosing the character of Detective-Sergeant McWhirter of Scotland Yard when she revealed that she 'd been brought up near the Kyles of Bute .
6 ( Freud is writing in the first decade of the twentieth century , about men and women in the middle- and upper-middle-class Austria who would have been brought up in the latter part of the nineteenth century . )
7 Indeed , having been brought up after the war and having heard of the plight of those poor people , one has never forgotten it in any case .
8 Below 700m many of the soils are man-made — the soils on the terraces having been brought up from the river mouths or down from the bases of the escarpments .
9 Little water would have been met with and what was encountered was brought up in the kibble .
10 Two suitably romantic leaders , who escaped in time , now emerged , the 26-year-old third Earl of Derwentwater , a grandson of Charles II by one of his mistresses , who had been brought up with the Old Pretender at St Germain , and become a major landowner in Westmorland , and Thomas Forster , an MP for Northumberland .
11 It was this lack of division that most effectively concealed from Clara the basic , classic structure of the building , for she had been brought up with the notion that walls must be above eye-level , lace curtains impenetrable , bedrooms facing discreetly into the void .
12 His family background was humble but he had been brought up on the writings of Beatrice and Sidney Webb and the philosophies of George Bernard Shaw .
13 She agreed to come and I took her first to the more brilliantly decorated one , not knowing that she was not only a very religious woman but also a girl who had been brought up in the strictest kind of convent — no heating , nothing for show .
14 She had been brought up in the most isolated of spots — although , perhaps , because of its very isolation and Granny Tremayne 's aloofness , she had simply known about , but not exactly experienced , communal village life .
15 She had been brought up in the sophistication of inner Moscow , and she had travelled to European Germany .
16 At the other extreme was a Filipino who had been brought up in the slums of Manila , his father an alcoholic drug dealer and his mother a whore .
17 Innocent had been brought up within the structure of the Roman Church .
18 Oh I do , I do and my mates is on er , of course they 've been brought up with the metric system you see and he 's
19 United fans have been brought up on the sublime skills of attackers like Best , Law , Charlton , Stuart Pearson , Jimmy Greenhoff and Frank Stapleton .
20 The problems with most people , if I can generalise , is that they have been brought up on the notion that a picture has to represent something and that to them means something recognizable , like a tree , or a landscape , or a windmill , or an oast house .
21 She implored : ‘ If the immediate family breaks up the problems created can still be resolved but only if the children have been brought up from the very start with the feeling that they are wanted , loved and valued . ’
22 If in addition we have been brought up in the tradition that to show feeling is a vulgar and lower-class way of behaving , we will seek to drain it out of any situations in which we are involved .
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