Example sentences of "[verb] by [art] [adj] [noun pl] council " in BNC.

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1 The Board of Directors was appointed by the Ministry of Transport after consultation with , and nominated by the National Ports Council , the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom and Firth of Forth Shipowners Association , the British Shipper 's Council and Forth Ports Estuary Committee , Edinburgh Corporation , Buckhaven and Methil Burntisland and Kirkcaldy Town Councils , representatives of the Organised Labour , plus two Principal Officers of the Authority Management Group .
2 If , as Marland ( 1981 ) suggests , schools should develop new integrated subjects they will be faced with the task of getting them approved by the Secondary Examinations Council under the National Criteria for the various conventional subjects .
3 That draft er approved by the Social Affairs Council a week ago does not allow the flexibility for companies and their employees to determine working time arrangements at local plant level , but we do question the E E C's involvement in this area .
4 When the Council was wound up in 1982 , being replaced by the Secondary Examinations Council and School Curriculum Development Committee , there was so much work to be done on the curriculum and the examination of it in the years of compulsory school that consideration of the sixth-form curriculum lapsed into comparative inertia .
5 European Baccalauréate , International Baccalauréate , Cambridge Overseas Examinations , An approved degree pass from a university recognised by the Scottish Universities Council on Entrance .
6 Some of these groupings have been recognised by the Scottish Universities Council on Entrance .
7 Manned by Actionsport Scotland staff , it will function as a ‘ What 's Your Sport ’ Info point providing club specific information for all sports recognised by the Scottish Sports Council .
8 He is also planning to present new plays next year and , with funds provided by the Scottish Arts Council , he is commissioning work from two writers .
9 FINANCIAL help for the Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival has been allocated by the Scottish Arts Council after all .
10 It is for this reason we currently have the ludicrous situation of two record fish lists , one run by the National Anglers Council , which is a record of fish that were claimed in accordance with a set of inflexible rules , and one that is run by the National Association of Specialist Anglers , whose record fish appear according to individual merit , this merit being judged by highly experienced specialist anglers who know a ‘ con ’ when they see one and who would reject a claim if there were any doubt as to its truth .
11 Thus , it would not be advisable , for example , to compare a sample of heroin users generated from GPs ' records with one produced from the files of a local Drugs Council , because some GPs require patients to attend counselling sessions to complement medical treatment , so that patients who have seen their GP about their heroin use may be more likely to occur in a sample generated by a local Drugs Council than users who have not sought treatment from their GP .
12 This is mirrored in the huge crowds that were drawn to the special exhibition of books staged by the Educational Publishers Council in London this autumn .
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