Example sentences of "[verb] by [art] [adj] services [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This change has been recommended by the Legal Services Ombudsman , and will require a change in the law , expected to come into force at the beginning of 1994 .
2 This was considered by the Legal Services Committee which advised the Chairman of the Bar that the way out of the dilemma was to invite the CPS/GLS to withdraw their application .
3 This publication is the final report of a seminar organised by the Association of Researchers in Voluntary Action and Community Involvement ( ARVAC ) and hosted by the Voluntary Services Unit at the Home Office in November 1990 .
4 As a result of two consultation days held to examine possibilities for greater integration in residential provision for children and young people with special needs , a series of recommendations were made to and accepted by the Social Services Committee in January 1987 .
5 The plan was adopted by the social services committee after officials assured members that it did not contravene the 1986 Local Government Act , which outlaws the promotion of homosexuality in schools or by published material .
6 At that time the industry was having difficulties adjusting to the new rules imposed by the Financial Services Act . ’
7 The UK disclosure requirements are imposed by the Financial Services Act ( which requires all material matters to be disclosed ) although the details are set out in the ‘ Admission of Securities to Listing ’ issued by the Stock Exchange .
8 Evidence of the difficulties in the development of multidisciplinary assessment procedures has been provided by projects in four local areas , orchestrated by the Social Services Inspectorate ( DoH , 1989a ) .
9 Recommendations by consultants Price Waterhouse are expected to be approved by the social services committee today .
10 Independent advisers are bound by the Financial Services Act to pick the best insurance product for each case , choosing from all the products .
11 The occupational therapist in the community is normally employed by the social services department , and the initial contact is usually made by the general practitioner .
12 Lists of registered childminders can be obtained from the under-fives adviser employed by the social services department .
13 The S.I.B. , acting under powers conferred by the Financial Services Act 1986 , brought an action against the first and second defendants , two overseas companies , as persons who , not being authorised , carried on investment business in the United Kingdom and caused investors loss .
14 Confidence in the securities markets was one of the features emphasized by professor Gower , whose report led to the regime of regulation for United Kingdom financial services introduced by the Financial Services Act , 1986 .
15 It 's run by the Social Services Department , but it also relies heavily on contributions and voluntary help from local people .
16 The former securities dealers did not , however read the financial press and were unaware of the shake-up engendered by the Financial Services Act ( 1986 ) .
17 FINANCIAL advisers and fund management companies authorised by the Financial Services Act could have to find more than £37m to compensate investor losses — a threefold rise in 12 months .
18 In each location they negotiated with the social services department an agreement that any continuing clients would be supported by the social services department , either with community services or with a place in institutional care .
19 That means more home helps , more meals on wheels and more money available for home improvement grants for the disabled.The future of the threatened homes will be discussed by the social services committee when it meets in two weeks .
20 The bill passed by the armed services committee of the House on July 31 cut $24,000 million from the administration 's request .
21 In contrast to the secrecy of the official review these were valuable forums for informed and open debate , particularly those conducted by the Social Services Committee ( 1988 ) and the Institute of Health Services Management ( 1988 ) .
22 Care proceedings can only follow , however , at the instigation of the local authority or the NSPCC. ( b ) The child protection register Each area covered by a social services authority must have a child protection register to be maintained by the social services department .
23 The cooling-off period , during which new policyholders may cancel without penalty , on many of these ‘ non-investment ’ products , including some hitherto exempt from any such right , has been extended from ten days to 14 days , bringing them into line with ‘ investment ’ products covered by the Financial Services Act .
24 In these authorities the function of ‘ filling in ’ important works not ordered by the areas is given to a central resources unit , a team of professional librarians headed by the bibliographical services officer , with authority-wide responsibility for selecting published works of any importance .
25 Care proceedings can only follow , however , at the instigation of the local authority or the NSPCC. ( b ) The child protection register Each area covered by a social services authority must have a child protection register to be maintained by the social services department .
26 UK company law already incorporates most of the requirements , and indeed the Directive is largely modelled on the Company Securities ( Insider Dealing ) Act 1985 , as amended by the Financial Services Act 1986 .
27 The way one such woman was treated by the local services department was described in an interview with an Asian social worker ( quoted from ‘ Some Aspects of Social Policy Affecting Asian Women in Britain ’ by Geeta Amin , presented at the U.K. Asian Women 's Conference July 1977 ) :
28 Moreover , if there was maladministration it is of little consequence now in that the new regime established by the Financial Services Act of 1986 has rendered the DTI 's role in this matter redundant .
29 Corporatist arrangements may be given effect to formally by statute ( as in the case of the complex system of structured self-regulation established by the Financial Services Act 1986 ) or by contract ( as in the case of the contracting out of the running of the register of fighting dogs ) ; or they may operate purely by way of informal agreement .
30 The samples were obtained from controls , from electoral rolls in Strasbourg , Lille and Toulouse and from the lists of General Practitioners held by the Central Services Agency in Belfast .
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