Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] appropriate [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Using a proper name for a subject search may be easier for the user than attempting to guess at an appropriate subject heading , particularly if the object is to extract a class number to pursue subject searching at the shelves .
2 At Key Stage 2 pupils can also begin to make use of viewdata compilations of simple written sources , provided that the material is presented at an appropriate language level .
3 In other words , the cash payments on the bond are not discounted at the appropriate interest rate .
4 To score points , the techniques must be cleanly performed and strongly focused at the appropriate target areas .
5 At very low stepping rates the motor comes to rest at the appropriate equilibrium position after each excitation change .
6 It recognises that money has a time value by discounting future cash flows at an appropriate discount rate .
7 The weight percentage retained on the coarsest sieve is plotted at the appropriate grain diameter , the sum of weight percentages retained in the two coarsest sieves is plotted at the next finer mesh , the cumulative contents of the first three sieves at the next finer mesh and so on until the entire sediment has been accounted for at 100% .
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