Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] [adj] stage of " in BNC.

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1 General ‘ political economy ’ explanations must be correct in locating such developments within complex shifts in the production process , industrial infrastructure , and labour force requirements occurring at a particular stage of advanced industrialization — though much work needs to be done to define these shifts more precisely .
2 This enabled them once again to draw up a profile of those high-risk subjects who developed schizophrenia , which turned out to be similar to that reported at an earlier stage of the research .
3 These benchmarks would indicate to teachers the things which all children ought to know at a particular stage of their development .
4 Alternative arrangements can be developed and their performances assessed , and areas of possible problems can be identified and alleviated at an early stage of the design .
5 The question of strengthening the defence identity of the Union will be decided at the final stage of the conference .
6 The blip in the graph occurs at a crucial stage of development in firms which until that point were among the fast growers , sharply reducing the number which move on to become medium and larger firms .
7 Merely looking at the final stage of supply can obscure the full range of options open to a particular firm in its choice of serving foreign markets .
8 The teaching of study skills should of course obviate the problems that arise in assignments and projects , but generally this provision has been made at a later stage of the pupils ' school career , at the sixth-form level , when a recognized amount of their time is allocated to private study .
9 Only those acting at the second and third stages have been described in the present chapter , but the most important agents for small mammal bone accumulations are those operating at the first stage of taphonomic modification .
10 It is well recognised that managing software is difficult because it is in essence a control problem , posing questions such as which particular versions of software items should be used at a particular stage of a project for a particular purpose , or what software should be issued to whom , and when .
11 As some hon. Members may know , I have some interest in that subject , and I hope that I shall be able to have an Adjournment debate in which to discuss the process by which we arrived at the present stage of the project .
12 We are now , reader , arrived at the last stage of our journey .
13 Perhaps it acts at the lysosomal stage of the entry process outlined by Simons .
14 Just why there are more calories in the human excreta following the intake of a high-fibre diet is less than fully understood at the present stage of scientific research .
15 All of these are still very cumbersome to use at the present stage of development but there is no doubt that they will improve .
16 The researcher engaged in the social study of baptism may well decide at an early stage of the study that in modern British society baptism is more of a social than a religious ceremony .
17 It is important , therefore , to consider at an early stage of the transaction the manner in which employees should be informed of what is happening to their employer .
18 ( a ) Middle East Economic Survey ( MEES ) , indicating the terms on which both freight and insurance were being negotiated at a particular stage of the war , described the freight element as follows : ‘ Kharg to Europe : W70-80 .
19 John 's case also suggests how the perceptions of those professionals involved at an early stage of an assessment and the actions that follow may influence , direct or constrain the later perceptions and actions of other professionals .
20 In May 1990 the privatization of 28 heavily indebted industrial companies was announced ; another 21 would be liquidated and 200 industrial companies controlled by Greek banks would be sold or liquidated at the next stage of privatization .
21 Because these constructions were both eliminated at an early stage of the transformation to normal form , we have so far not needed any such laws .
22 If the new product is similar to one already in production , costs may be estimated at an early stage of design with adequate accuracy by discussion with the manufacturing department .
23 The Crown is amenable to declarations but a declaration can not be awarded at the interim stage of proceedings ; so the effect of the rule is that interim relief is not available in actions against the Crown in which the remedy sought is mandamus or a declaration .
24 Ageing machinery that opens or teases wool , a ‘ fearnought ’ , has also been moved away from the blend bins and a new one inserted at an earlier stage of production .
25 WITH REFERENCE to Robert Brooke 's letter ( WCM June ) regarding Geoff Humpage removing his pads to bowl at an early stage of a first-class match , on Saturday , July 17 , 1982 at Headingley he again removed his pads , and bowled the 12th over of the game .
26 The various parties involved in the peace process had tended to ignore the issue , working on the assumption that it could only be tackled at an advanced stage of a settlement .
27 Clad in an old black leotard and leggings , now fairly well daubed with paint , and with her mane of hair hidden beneath a scarlet bandana , she did n't exactly look like a decorator , she realised with a giggle as she caught sight of her own reflection in the hall mirror on the way to the kitchen , but she 'd discovered at an early stage of the game just how much bending , stretching and crouching was involved and so had decided she might as well be comfortable while she did it .
28 ( A planetesimal is a small , solid celestial body that may have existed at an early stage of the development of the solar system . )
29 Patients who had repeated 24 hours pH monitoring at the second stage of the study were still taking omeprazole 40 mg/day but all other drugs were withheld for at least 48 hours beforehand .
30 The highly reactive pentagon-road fragments , if they form at all , would form at an early stage of clustering when many small radical species remain .
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